Episode 012 - Part 1 Guest Speaker Blake Etheridge: How He Started TI's Super User Program

Episode 012 - Part 1 Guest Speaker Blake Etheridge: How He Started TI's Super User Program


We have been away longer than usual, but we have a doozy set of podcasts. This is the first of three, count them, three podcasts with our guest speaker Blake Ethridge. Like Netflix, we will release them all at once! Our original question posed to Blake was to understand how he executed on a super user program at Texas Instruments. However, like many of our conversations, we let the spirit run the show. The good news, we had a great hour discussion about many subjects. In this part 1 episode, we discuss how Blake drove the business need to create a super user program. PS. This was our first "virtual" podcast and I had to do a lot of clean up. Therefore, please forgive some of the audio. :)
  • How did community managers find themselves in this position?
  • We discuss how Blake Ethridge cultivated some of the most active users at Texas Instruments which allowed him to show case examples of improving better customer experience (CX) through community.
  • Why modern B2B companies fail in customer experience as they move into a digital transformation.  Hint, it's a lack of a digital customer support strategy.
  • How did Blake use bottom-up customer input for product owners at TI?
  • Why do customers join communities?  Blake answers this with his experience at TI.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.