Episode 048 -Part One New B2B SaaS Communities - Common Questions Asked By An Organization

Episode 048 -Part One New B2B SaaS Communities - Common Questions Asked By An Organization


In this podcast, we decided to do something a little different. Chris presented the community strategy to his organization through an all hands meeting they had that week. During that presentation he answered over 20 questions from the organization. These are really good questions and we decided on this podcast that we would answer three of them together. Questions asked and answered during the podcast: 1. In a new Branded Community, who are the experts that should help answer customer and partner questions? 2. When you open up a new B2B Community, How do you address the the lifecycle of the customer. For example, if they are in implementation stage, do you allow them on the community? Do you have content to help them? 3. How do Brands gain Brand awareness with B2B online communities?
Sponsored, by no one, yet, but we are open to sponsors. Beer Sponsors would be amazing! 🍺🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻


hello and welcome to another episode of
peers over beers i'm one of your hosts
michael sandoval
and i'm Chris Detzel
hello chris i hope
you're doing well
yeah man i'm doing really well how about
you oh excellent i'm doing pretty good
uh it's late in the day and i uh
i i am not enjoying a nice cool
adult beverage as you are you truly are
having a pier a beer
yes i was hoping that you would have a
beer but i figured you wouldn't even
know you knew you were coming to tears
of course yeah
nobody has to know that exactly
you're you're definitely in a different
time zone so it's all right
yeah for me it's fine you know so i'm
drinking a it's called two-hearted ale
uh i guess this is an american ipa
it doesn't probably tells me somewhere
where it's uh made but
it's a bells company or something so no
bells yeah
oh my gosh someone's going to kill me
that i don't know this but i want to say
bells is
uh like michigan or something like that
i don't know why that comes to my head
yeah that could be i'll have to google
that later
yeah exactly uh now i feel like i have
to do it
uh in real time anyway but um
oh my gosh kalamazoo kalamazoo okay yeah
it is michigan
yeah um all right so
we were just about ready to talk about
something very
interesting that happened to you whilst
you were
i think having an all hands meeting
about community
at uh royalty right yeah that's right
you said it right that's awesome really
i'll see i just corrected what i thought
i said it right so
yes so that's so funny so
um we had an all hands meeting
meaning just the whole company meeting
monday through thursday for four to five
every single day to kind of go over the
product roadmap to the vision
and everything else and on monday so
today's friday but on monday
i had the opportunity to present for an
hour uh
to the entire company i think two or
three hundred people were on there i
don't remember but
um about community and
it's funny because i knew it
it always happens is that there's tons
of questions at the end
um i mean a lot of questions yeah
everybody's quiet until somebody says
it's until something breaks well what i
did what well yeah well
there it's it's crazy because people
want to know all about community they
they don't
they they kind of get it but they want
to understand who's moderating what
who's going to help who's going to do
what does this even mean what's the
strategy i mean there's all kinds of
great questions you know from people
within the organization
the other day it's about me trying to
get them to help me
build it you know and so that's really
the message is
is so basically i i had an hour i only
spent 30 minutes or less
on content you know just hey this is
um this is the vision of the company
this is
community this is how community relates
to the vision and
and goes well with the vision of the
company um
and then here's you know talk a little
bit about you know the goal of community.
what we're trying to accomplish
and what's and then i had a slide
actually of
nine questions uh from
people before the so i already had this
only nine questions from the audience or
not even the audience but um
beforehand so beforehand there was an
email that went out okay oh i was gonna
ask how you did okay
okay email went out and said hey these
are the sessions
uh and they made people ask a question
around community so what are some of
your questions i got several of them but
i only put nine of the i don't know uh
20 or 30 questions that were asked but
so what i did was
so there's 30 minutes left or more and i
answered every one of those questions
um and then then there was tons more in
the chat because
then i had like i think i answered those
in 10 or 12 minutes
but then there was question after
question after question after question
and i was like oh my god i was so tired
afterwards really
it was awesome it was like people loved
it you know and so
um what i thought we would do what do
you think they loved about it
they're excited because their customers
and their partners
for lto have been asking for community
for a long time
okay that's why i was curious about the
one and then
two is they're excited that they have
somebody full time to actually
do this you know and three is they're
excited that
i know how to do it i think i do anyways
no i do
yeah i know you have yes you definitely
have some experience under your belt
yeah yeah and so i think there's just
excitement and
you know i i feel like that's one of my
strengths is getting people pumped and
excited and actually doing some stuff
you know and so that's
that's that you know i mean uh so i
thought today
we would just bring up those questions
uh maybe i give you
five and depending on how long this goes
but and uh you give me five
i know you're looking at some now and
and and maybe i'll relate it to the bank
if i if all possible and you can relate
it to b2b i mean i
i sent you the questions beforehand and
i related it all to b2b sas
so you know but but i don't know what do
you think
no i think it's good i like it or you
know maybe we can even do just one
question and i can have my view and you
can have your view
uh i like it let's try it that way um
in fact do you have it up i do i have
the questions that is
um do you want to read the first one
yeah so let's go with the first one and
i'll have you answer this question and
and then you know maybe i'll answer it
uh so in a branded community who are the
experts that contribute or purely rely
or should they purely rely on everybody
to contribute uh
their fair share of content or answers
to questions
yeah so this is interesting i think
we've almost had a discussion about this
so i'll tell you my take if you don't
mind and then i'm curious to see how you
answered um so this is where i go into
my discussion about
what it takes to start a community and
how content
gets developed the time it takes for us
to go up front and have to develop that
and then we'll get people to come
and then eventually over time you'll see
the inflection point
of contributions outside versus
contributions inside
right then that kind of goes so my
upfront would be hey you know at the
beginning of this
yes we are going to be the experts we're
the one that's going to be
providing all that upfront content there
will be an effort that allow us to do
this but the value that it'll pay for us
long term is a vibrant community in
which you'll have
increased loyalty increased customer
self-service help rabbit fans that are
going to be answering
are probably questions faster than we
can right and that's a
value uh that can be monitored not
monetized but you can actually
quantify this in savings to the company
no that's a good answer and the way i
kind of described it was
um i will need your help uh
and and the reason i need your help is
because it's kind of like this
realtio will have to push content out
answer questions when customers
and partners come to ask a question you
know they
they they expect an answer and they
expect one somewhat
quickly nobody wants to go to a party
that no one's at
it's the same thing if people post a
question customers and partners post a
and there's no answer you know that's
that's a problem they want to leave
and they won't come back now in the
beginning i have my hands up and so
i by the way we have a youtube channel
michael you probably don't even know it
but it's called peers over beers youtube
but i put my hands up
it's funny and it hurts all the same
time yeah
anyway it's a little jab it's not really
a job it's just like michael does it
cool it's a good one yeah it's a good
one the way i kind of
look at it is you know realty i will
have to push content out at first we'll
have to answer questions that customers
you know when they come and ask and and
at first
what it does is you know customers and
partners don't they don't trust
at first it takes time you know they
want to make sure that there's they're
getting answers they want to make sure
that this is
trusting they want to make sure that
they can rely on this thing and
over time what happens is real tale will
do less of the answering of the
and customers and partners will come and
then start answering those things
as they trust as they're recognized as
maybe they're rewarded at some with
badges and things like that
so i think so so the answer is yes
you will have to do we'll have to do all
of our fair share but mostly reltio will
have to answer
those questions uh in the beginning and
you know uh customers and partners will
then trust
kind of how i would answer that yeah
well let me ask you a question because i
said the word
uh i think at the first part of the
sentence it says who are the
experts to contribute in your in your
uh view or in your past recent
in your recent um company you just left
and now did you have a badge that would
note these as
employees or experts in some way
yeah that's a good point yeah i did i
would say employ so in the beginning
what i did was
i created these expert badges that said
specifically what they were
experts in it didn't really work out
didn't really help but what did help was
it did say employee or uh
imperbian or something like that we'll
employee badges so that will help uh do
and then i was thinking about partner
badges for reltio and
you know to identify who the partners
are versus the customers versus
you know something like that yeah i've
always well you know my my view about
that right uh
identifying population segments helps
either gauge the response and
it's trust if that makes sense so if i
an employee time in and i see it's part
of their
we'll call it badge that they're an
expert in
xyz technology then i'm probably gonna
have a higher value of that
answer or the discussion point but you
know what your partners
have the same value too right they have
integration um
expertise uh market expertise you know
so there's always some value in the
oh it's huge man i've been talking to
some of our partners like deloitte and
some others that
uh accenture i'll be talking to you next
to you so let's this is funny because
you you'll laugh at me you remember that
um presentation that we did about uh
at rexell around suppliers and
you know kind of activate and be a
and just kind of like throw it into that
yeah good one
yeah so that's exactly what i did
i stole that i was like you leveraged
and probably took
a lot of the ideas right yeah it's the
thing you know there's no reason to
recreate something that doesn't need to
be recreated
no i agree it's it's your knowledge that
came into it it's the same
it's the same thesis it's the same
thought process uh
why you wanting i presented that today
michael is you know
when i was talking to a partner i said
hey look there's different ways you can
one is by one create an account you know
kind of look at what's being posted and
feel free to kind of go in there and
you know reply if you'd like or even ask
a question because maybe you don't know
everything because
i remember at imperva you did have
partners asking questions and
customers answering those partner
questions and then custom
partners answering customers and then
employees answered partners and
employees answering
it was crazy it was awesome um but then
there was like three levels for partners
and that
i wanted to try to get i kind of
presented that today and said hey look
um the last level is what i call
partnership you know and the way that
works with us
could be uh you know i wanted to say
their response they seem to be
interested but
is is you know i can give you uh
face-to-face or online training you know
where you have training with me directly
uh to help you understand how to post a
blog how to post a
um you know question whatever whatever
you need to do and if you were to do
that and you were to commit
like once a month to post a blog or a
how-to video or
if you're if you do a webinar on
going deep into the product and how to
do certain things
and having it live and bringing our
customers and other partners in
you know we'll put a badge on your um on
your profile that says
you know platinum partner i don't know
i don't know what that is but and they
seem very interested they're like hey we
have 40 or 50 people that do these
at deloitte you know i mean i mean
deloitte should know that this is kind
of a standard practice
it it it can be very valuable if done
right and it really does depend on the
on the partner you know i was going to
mention that if so deloitte would be out
outside of this scope of what i'm going
to say but
uh we had when i was at ti texas
we had all types of partners we had very
very small like yep a guy
in his you know two engineers in the
back right
uh developing products that are
third-party products but very robust
sought-after but uh small
companies versus these huge companies
right so in the small companies where
they didn't have
a marketing team or department or
whatever and they were so involved in
their business model was really wrapped
around the company
we would say hey would you like to
your own community in a way
because they don't have the resources
but we do and that was good for us
because it allowed us to
you know have their space on our space
we would you know
they would be a contributor and it was
it was a pretty good
deal i don't know if it's still there
doing that anymore but it was pretty
good uh little
venture for a while so they'd have their
own space
yeah a couple ways we would engage with
first i think in the way we did that's
powerful presentation one was like
there's ways to engage yeah that's one
of the ones that we didn't
do which was i can create a separate
community just on your
company and that community you would
manage moderate it whatever you want to
and it would allow you to be an
expert of your product on our space and
of course we would share content we
it would be able to tag each other
hey this has been discussed but it's on
the so and so side or so-and-so side of
the community whatever that may be
and it would allow them to have a space
and so
there's a win-win right one is for them
this is a overhead that they don't have
yeah cost out right they just need
people and that's what you need is
then they get the benefit of the seo too
because you have a
two-link validation and then for us from
a company's perspective
it's just more content leading to the
site and more help
you know uh it's probably the best
podcast i've ever heard
so far
i should totally i should totally
subscribe yeah
i'm subscribing to this one because this
is awesome
well i like that idea of having um
potentially partners or
even customers or uh to be able to have
their own community
uh through me so the cool thing about
that is like
i own or i own i use higher logic as a
platform right so
the cool thing is i also have what they
call um
different sites so i can i have 25
different uh
sites that i can crack so i have a
higher logic community.reltio.com
but i have microsites that i can build
and and and make the look and feel
different and everything else and so if
i want to create a
i don't know a banking community
site you know like community dot
whatever your bank is tftu or whatever
it is
dot com i could have it you know and you
can manage your community there
uh it could still be all things master
anyways the point is is there's
opportunity there right
to to really think about how we might
do stuff like that yep so you would
create essentially a group
or whatever you can customize a group i
forget what the parlance is probably in
higher logic but
yeah you can create micro communities
well there's two different there's
two different ways to do it probably
more but one is on the main community of
you can create multiple many communities
private public whatever
but you can also create a microsite that
and feels differently that's a different
url and everything else it's exactly
what we did
at uh rexell when you but they didn't
have the microsites for free
for telegens right so you know we just
jeff had to do some crazy weird things
to do
like a general developer a friend of
yeah so rexella dot or community dot or
i don't know for excel usa or whatever
the it was yeah
but and then you know the the de site
and whatever but
this just comes with it you can make it
look it's
you know different anyways all right so
i think we that that's
i really like that that was a great
conversation around that let's do one
so yeah for only 20 minutes i'll read
this one so it says uh
what is the plan to open up community
for customers currently in
to see progress and status updates
chris take it away yeah so what that
this question didn't make complete sense
but what it
what they mean is so for customers that
our product that has our product that's
in the stages of implementation
you know what is the the role of
basically can they join can they not
join my answer to that is
ah okay got it okay
so the answer to that was pretty easy
because we have an open community and
anybody can join
right so um partners
potential customers and customers can
join our potential
uh partners can join the community and
employees um
and so now there'll be some moderation
and things like that but
um they can join before and take
advantage of
starting to connect to peers i don't
care where they are
within the life cycle of uh engagement
with reltio
i just will allow them to come in and
either surf or
start adding you know content if they'd
like and then they can start
engaging right away that was the answer
to that that's pretty easy well
it's a very interesting question because
in my head my
brain started to do all sorts of
things you mentioned it which was
customer life cycle
if there was a way to match your
needs based on their life cycle the
community could be pretty powerful
for example um if
if you're in this this implementation
the questions you're going to ask are
going to be different
so maybe as part of your profile build
or something
uh you can tell the stage that you're in
i'm an implementation and it'll
surface different types of discussions
you know how do you you know how do you
do a rollout plan
what's your communication plan how do
you you know what are
the top 10 things it needs to know about
this what's your
um uh
you know yeah migration i think i said
migration plan but so that's different
from say
run and maintenance you know long term
which will be different things uh
versus like uh upgrades like if you're
moving up
uh moving up a version yeah if you're
upgrading the version and things like
that it would be interesting to see
these phases in some of your customers
then you can help
customize it even on the pre-sale you
can it could be a sales tool
uh as part of somebody going out there
you know we have one of the most vibrant
computers out there
you know get your customers you can
actually join now and participate in the
you know the you know the i don't know
we'll call it the
realtio um users group
so you can see the conversations that
are going on you know that kind of fun
yeah that this is great man this is
like i said one of the best uh podcasts
we've done so far
again we've only got two questions so i
know well you know kind of
we did when i was a tia we did something
again some kind of similar
uh where we would use uh
your design in cycle design in cycle is
how an engineer
evaluates first searches for evaluates
designs you in that's a big thing so it
means you they put your
chip in a design that they're doing and
then production
and each of those has different needs so
when you were in the oh and one more
piece was software was becoming a big
deal so
software was a big piece so when
customers were evaluating
our devices the software engineers were
in the software forums
listening and reading and understanding
because that was part of their
evaluation process so in other words
yes it's robust the questions are pretty
well answered
there was a good warm feeling that you
know that they had some resources and
as part of it so they knew if they chose
they could
they would feel comfortable in doing
this those things so the software
community became
part of the designing cycle of a chip
because the software was such a big deal
depending upon the role you played if
you were a hardware engineer or a
software engineer
allowed you to have different slices of
the community
so it was it was interesting so in other
words it was personalized in some way
yeah the personalization is is uh very
interesting i i like that
and there's opportunity to do that
because you could you could put on kind
of the registration process of
where are you in the life cycle of your
engagement with reltio you know and then
maybe have a drop down that says
one two three i don't know whatever it
is but oh i mean if you
depending on how you design it your
single sign-on should be able to do it
right so it could take some data
from your crm and say
you know whether your existing client
whether you have
a if there's some stage you know
maybe you're like uh we used to call
we had a thing where you know we all
striate our customers right
small to big and we would call them
hicks bix and six so they're
all important customers but some are
very important customers
and somebody do not spend yeah and some
are small important customers but at the
end of the day they're all important
customers right so
you we would kind of use that striation
to help
how we want to and it sounds bad but
it's just about it's about uh
division of resources right
so if you were didn't buy in to say the
software support or it didn't buy into
some of these kind of higher end
software support or support
modules that would come into the
community and
community would now be your primary way
of doing self-support
right so it it helped so then and what
we would do is okay
we have to service more information they
don't have somebody to talk to
let's get them more involved they became
important to us so that makes sense on
the community side because it allows
at least they can get their help through
the community side there's a bunch of
stuff you can do just by pulling in some
that's good we have time let's do one
more question michael all right because
let's see i know we're 25 minutes but
it's okay oh but i think the next one is
going to be a big one
it says yeah how can we oh wait oh yeah
how can we help drive engagements in the
it's a big one maybe we should do that
on another uh
maybe there's another one hold on uh
let's see how do customers
ah well we could probably just how does
the brand gain
brand awareness with communities
i like that it's kind of a short it
could be a short answer or a long answer
i'm going to let you answer that i'm
very curious to know i've got my
thoughts but
well you do first yeah so i have very
good data
about how a community can actually
increase one's brand value
and brand awareness right so on the
brand awareness side i'll cover that
it's about reach and there are many
moments in which a customer
can be looking for your product at
various moments in their cycle
it could be in the pre-sale sale
or even on the post-sale process in any
way the first thing you do when you have
a question you're going to go to google
and you're going to just put it in so as
google calls it zmod
which is the zero moment of truth that
is your moment of truth in which you get
be the one with the answer now you know
i've heard this i've said this phrase
before right uh
he or she who answers first wins and
your ability to climb at the very top
and be that person to help is the
beginning of that trust
cycle and if you click on it and you're
the one with the answer real to your
it's like wow this brand is this company
constantly comes up and
they're answering my question and if
you're and you're on the pre-sale side
even on the on the back side that
loyalty curve to kind of
come back in they're always answering my
questions they're always
knowledgeable their employees are
they have a good handle of the content
they are they are definitely uh
uh quick to answer that all creates
goodness that's a very goodness thing
and that only
increases one's brand value i'm sorry
brand value
uh the awareness side is on the google
side i will i have data
that shows that a
a a community that is well run
very well received as ways to measure
high nps scores uh actually increases
the value of the community as that's a
valuable dollar
figure you can put a dollar figure
around that um a study that i did when i
was over at uh
at freescale we did something like that
um so no i can tell you that it does
brand value and awareness
yeah i somewhat similar no i don't give
such an elegant response but
you know my response to that is is that
you know today whenever you you know if
kind of look at reltio um custom
i've said this a lot maybe i said this
at the beginning but when customers
partners whoever you know searches for
on google for example because 92 percent
of people look at google to
for answers unless you're in china um
and they don't find i think they have
something else
but and they and they look for your
product or have something around master
data management or your area
we don't come up guess what we lose we
should have the answer to every single
product question
that they that customers or at least
something close to that question and
should have an answer to it
when they search digitally because 92
percent of people
search on google not they don't the last
thing they want to do is create a case
the last thing they want to do is you
know the point is
is it comes up master data management or
you know whatever that topic is that
you know a company focuses in on
community talks about that thing a lot
and so we should be on the first page of
google every single time
when especially if we have a customer
has a question about our product
you know and if we don't we lose
and if we do then we don't win
it's just expected you know and
just to kind of go into what you said is
over time there's that trust factor
it's kind of what i mentioned earlier is
you know
when customers don't just engage right
off they don't
do a bunch of things i mean it takes
time to really build a community but
once that's humming along
you know and you know when when they do
that search and they're looking
every time you have that answer every
time you come up it's like
wow you know reltio is like always
coming up on master data management
you know and and so they're going to go
in to your community they might even
join they might even
you know kind of look around and
eventually maybe they'll you know
you know and so i agree yeah and so i
know we're kind of
cutting down on this one but this brings
up the whole idea of
um share of voice sov right share of
so within your market space um
you can physically measure this on
google where you can take your
competitors and yourself
and show how much either the search of
your percentage of searches on any
particular amount of
words or even your brand and see how
much of that comes to you
and that's your share of voice right and
and the only way you can increase your
share of voice by the way share voice is
pretty much market market pace market
space which is what you just mentioned
which is if i'm bringing an mdm and your
competitor is always
75 of the voice 75 of the time your
competitor is going to be the one
who's going to get that click yeah so
our bit your ability our ability to
drive that share of voice higher
which is the equivalent of what our
mentor uses hey
shelf space in the old school walking in
you want to be
eye level shelf space and
there's two ways to do it one is to
drive to first page
one two or three and then to have a
catalog which is your share voice in
other words
it's with the percentage of the number
of of
searches that are being done that you
fall for that you fall into
should be high so those are kind of some
that's a
brand awareness tactic that's great
stuff yeah that is good man
that was really good i really liked this
we have literally like you know 50 more
let's say 50
15 more questions we could ask
we have there's a few podcasts in these
well with that how about we just end
this one and we'll carry on to the next
one and uh
thank you very much chris for another
great podcast this is uh one of your
hosts michael sandoval
and i'm chris tetzel all right thanks
chris talk to you later all right

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.