Breaking Down Silos: Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration for Better Customer Experiences with Jay Nathan

Breaking Down Silos: Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration for Better Customer Experiences with Jay Nathan

This episode explores the interconnections between various aspects of the customer experience and emphasizes the importance of breaking down organizational silos to deliver better outcomes for customers and businesses alike.

The discussion revolves around strategies for expanding revenue within existing customer accounts through cross-selling and upselling. The guest, Jay Nathan, Chief Operating Officer at Churnkey, shares insights on how focusing on customer expansion is crucial for driving growth, especially in the current economic climate where efficiency and profitability are paramount.

The conversation delves into the roles and responsibilities of different teams, such as sales, customer success, and support, in identifying and operationalizing expansion opportunities. The speakers underscore the significance of providing exceptional customer support and argue that investing in a strong support function can pay dividends in terms of customer retention and growth.

Throughout the podcast, the theme of cross-functional collaboration emerges as a key driver of success. The participants discuss how breaking down silos and fostering cooperation among departments can lead to more seamless customer experiences and more effective expansion strategies. They also explore the role of customer communities in this context, suggesting that community managers should act as facilitators who bring together expertise from across the organization to deliver value to customers.

The speakers also touch on the importance of data and analytics in identifying expansion opportunities and segmenting the customer base. They emphasize the need to understand customer needs and tailor outreach and offerings accordingly.

Overall, the podcast offers a wealth of insights and practical advice for organizations looking to optimize their customer experience and drive growth through expansion strategies. The discussion is relevant to a wide range of functions, from community management and customer success to sales and support, and underscores the importance of a holistic, customer-centric approach to business growth.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.
Nicole Saunders
Nicole Saunders
Senior Director, Customer Experience Marketing at Coupa
Jay Nathan
Jay Nathan
I have over 20 years of experience in the software industry and have held leadership roles at prominent technology companies such as Blackbaud, Higher Logic, PeopleMatter, and now Churnkey[dot]co. I have spoken and written extensively on SaaS, sales, marketing, product, and customer success. You can subscribe to my weekly newsletter at My ultimate goal is to launch a Jimmy Buffett cover band, but for now, B2B SaaS companies are my focus.