Community Evolution: Shaping the Landscape of Business Organizations

Community Evolution: Shaping the Landscape of Business Organizations

Welcome to this in-depth analysis of the podcast "Peers over Beers," hosted by two seasoned professionals, Nicole Saunders and Christopher Detzel. The engaging discourse revolves around the transformative role and significance of community in today's organizations, offering invaluable insights and perspectives for both veterans and newcomers in the field of community management.

Understanding the Community Role
Saunders and Detzel begin their conversation with a shared appreciation for the platform that offers them a space for meaningful dialogue. They emphasize the critical importance of understanding the role of community management within an organization. These discussions, they agree, help shape the narrative on how to best deploy and leverage the communal roles in an organization, often resulting in the most authentic insights and strategic thought leadership.

Community Integration: The Embedded Approach
As the conversation deepens, Saunders and Detzel engage in an exciting discourse about the possibility of integrating the community function across an organization's different parts. The concept here is that of "embedding" community roles within various departments, bypassing the traditional setup of having a dedicated, centralized community team. The speakers argue that this approach could be more scalable and cost-effective, especially in times of organizational contraction and layoffs.

The Shift to Decentralization
Saunders further delves into the trend of decentralizing community management. The paradigm shift here is moving away from a hierarchical setup where all community team members report to a single lead. In the evolving landscape, the community team emerges as a "center of excellence." It trains other teams, thereby dispersifying the community functions across the organization. Saunders offers an interesting illustration of a new role she had recently created in her product operations team. The role was charged with managing community product feedback, a strategy that underscored the practical benefits of decentralization.

Role of Community in Feedback Management
An essential facet of the discussion revolves around the community's role in gathering and managing customer feedback. Here, the speakers put forth the concept of the community functioning as a mediator between the product team and the consumers. This unique position ensures that customer needs are accurately communicated and understood, and that the product feedback loop remains continuous and effective.

Business Alignment and Trust in Community
An equally important aspect of their dialogue is the alignment of the community's role with the business objectives. Saunders and Detzel dissect how metrics and measurements can render visible the community's financial impact, integrating it seamlessly into the business rather than keeping it isolated as a separate entity.

Saunders confesses that her initial instinct was to retain control over the community roles. However, she eventually recognized the significance of trust and enablement within an organization. According to her, by transforming the community team into a "center of excellence," other teams can be empowered to integrate community functions into their roles effectively.

The Evolution of Community Roles
In essence, this insightful podcast represents a deep dive into how community roles are evolving within businesses. With an emphasis on decentralization, alignment with business objectives, and leveraging communities for feedback and customer insights, the speakers delve into the profound changes impacting the relationship between community roles and the rest of the organization. Saunders' anticipation to onboard a new member to inspect the operations objectively underscores her belief in diversity and experimentation as drivers for success.

This critical shift towards the integration and decentralization of community functions seeks to transform the conventional business environment. By ensuring the community's role in feedback management, aligning community strategies with business processes, and instilling trust in the community, Saunders and Detzel pave the way towards a more robust, efficient, and inclusive organizational structure.

The "Peers over Beers" podcast offers a refreshing perspective on the value of community in an organizational setup. As Saunders and Detzel articulate, incorporating a community-led model into business strategies can revolutionize traditional structures, enhance customer interactions, and drive sustainable growth. It's an eye-opening conversation that invites us all to rethink the way we understand and integrate the community within our own organizations.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.
Nicole Saunders
Nicole Saunders
Senior Director, Customer Experience Marketing at Coupa