Episode 101  - Big Events, Small Events and How Slack Communities Play a Role

Episode 101 - Big Events, Small Events and How Slack Communities Play a Role


Director of Slack Communities, Elizabeth Kinsey talks about the role that community plays in big events, user conferences and more. She gives us some examples of how slack and previous community roles played these events. Some of these smaller events gets you thinking about a speaker bench, relationships and intimacy.

Chris Detzel: Putting anyways, but I have this show on rel to so i'll welcome everyone to welcome to throughout your Community show, sometimes I might just accidentally say haven't yet, but you know every now and I catch myself, welcome to peers over beers anyways.

Chris Detzel: So what would that be.

Chris Detzel: Alright, so welcome to another peers over beers i'm Chris Daniel and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: i'm Elizabeth kinsey.

Chris Detzel: Elizabeth how are you.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah i'm hanging in hanging in how are you.

Chris Detzel: doing well you know it's good to have you on the podcast it's been a while yeah.

Elizabeth Kinsey: has been it's been too long.

Elizabeth Kinsey: too long, my friend.

Chris Detzel: Well, we have you scheduled, you were scheduled to do it, a few weeks ago, but then you know and i'm sure you don't mind me telling you telling us because yeah I think he put post office on Twitter, but you had covert and.

Chris Detzel: That about about it, you know.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah it was no fun and I kept losing my voice so I literally couldn't come on the podcast because I was like.

Elizabeth Kinsey: It would have been people would have thought there was like errors in their and their spotify or on their their computer they've been troubleshooting for hours terrible but yeah yeah coven that was no fun do not recommend.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Making friends done no don't do it don't take the risks it's not worth it.

Chris Detzel: yeah I feel like.

Chris Detzel: People are getting out and traveling more, though, and I just don't think.

Chris Detzel: People look they care, you know and they kind of don't care until they get going you're like you're just me, you know, like of it and.

Chris Detzel: You know, but it's sorry that you got it and hopefully feel slightly better and things you know, or at least a lot better hopefully.

Elizabeth Kinsey: we're getting there we're getting there.

Chris Detzel: Good well hey enough about coven because you know it's this kind of the talk is seems like it's been the talk for the last three years, but.

Chris Detzel: You know, we during the pre show we were talking a little bit about events and interesting enough, I feel like i've talked to several.

Chris Detzel: community leaders and community is a big part of a big event that you know the brand has, and you know we'd love to kind of get your take on, I know that you guys at slack or having.

Chris Detzel: An event coming up and would love to can one get your take on where's it at two is you know what role does Community playing your team.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah frontiers 2022 really excited speaking of people getting together again so this will be our first in person conference for slack since.

Elizabeth Kinsey: which was our last frontiers it's going to be in person and part ritual so folks will be able to watch on salesforce plus if they can't make it to New York in person.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But it'll be Jun 27th in New York at the javits Center and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: we're pretty excited about it and community is definitely playing a big role for us, and then I also think community has a big role to play, generally at events.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But we're working with the Community to you know get some stories from them that we can showcase and the keynotes help to sort of you know.

Elizabeth Kinsey: make some make some folks a little bit slack famous around the the things that they're doing and the ways that they're customizing slack and using the different features.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And then we're also going to be hosting frontiers, all of the attendees in the slack Community workspace which is really exciting.

Chris Detzel: wow So what does that look like.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah so that looks like folks who register, who are signed up to attend shortly before the conference dates will get an invite there'll be able to use a join link to come into the workspace will have we have a pro version so we're able to use things like workflow builder.

Elizabeth Kinsey: will have a bunch of workflows built.

Chris Detzel: channels, with, of course, you have the pro.

Elizabeth Kinsey: version yeah it would be pretty sad if we didn't right.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But well we'll bring all those folks in and then for that moment in time, that day that frontiers is happening there will be a lot of interactivity in the workspace.

Elizabeth Kinsey: A ability to you know connect with the speakers that are there connect with each other, there will be things for onsite things for off site so.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Pretty excited about welcoming folks in there and it it really makes sense because you know the people that are going to your user conference, those are people that.

Elizabeth Kinsey: they've taken time out of their life they're obviously invested in the success of your product whether that's because it's you know, the success of their work, or they just really love your product.

Elizabeth Kinsey: it's the former, not the latter, but you know you have people that are already really interested and made that sort of step forward saying like I am I am willing to give up my time spend money or get the money from the company.

Elizabeth Kinsey: stay in a hotel, most of the time you know people are coming from all over so why wouldn't you want to continue to engage those folks and for us.

Elizabeth Kinsey: we've always for the past two years we've had a workspace to go along with the event it's been super fun there's always new folks that we meet and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: getting them from you know the event workspace over into the Community workspace was always a bit of a challenge and certainly some people would naturally come over but.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know they'd already sort of signed up or they thought they were supposed to be so why not make it dead simple for them to just stick around.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So that's what it will look like and i'm i'm still you know we're setting a lot of stuff up and then I launched a survey today in our workspace to help sort of get a better idea of.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know long term when we went the workspace to be what is the community's input so yeah damn super excited.

Chris Detzel: that's pretty cool what so what it, what is your team do specifically like with the event, I mean are they just kind of monitoring the chat or you know it's.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah so it's part of moderation and parts kind of like operations and admin.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So you know workflows don't just happen somebody's got to build them things like having a help desk in the Channel.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know you're going to get kind of similar questions, especially in like a help capacities so take that faq.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Put in some emoji reaction triggers so that, when someone asked that question, instead of the person having to copy paste from a Doc or you know.

Elizabeth Kinsey: have to like say the same thing over and over again, you just have a workflow built where you use that emoji and it post automatically in the thread mentions the person who asked the initial question.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So somebody has to build all that stuff and one thing about the slack Community team is they're all we're all experts in slack and we kind of have to be and so.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Especially in like building and using some of the tools will also because we own the workspace already you know will be sort of responsible for.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Making sure that, like moderation that does happen gets taken care of.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know, acting as the admins on site, but then also just interacting right like people are there to talk to each other, but they're also there to connect with slack.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And so.

Elizabeth Kinsey: it's our responsibility to show people how to be in the.

Elizabeth Kinsey: workspace and to engage with them on a human to human level, you know that's one of the beautiful things.

Elizabeth Kinsey: About community is that you know we're all just people who have similar interests So even if it's you know, on site acting as conductors.

Elizabeth Kinsey: and helping people there it's the same in a workspace where you're like hey Anthony from.

Elizabeth Kinsey: North Carolina I know that you should probably talk to George from Houston because you guys have similar interests so it's a you know the same type of stuff that you do for Community anyway, just very focused on that moment in time.

Chris Detzel: I love it so you guys are heavily engaged like it, what so when you look at the user Conference, and you know you tell me a little bit about your role or in the teens role, but what do you guys focus on, is it the product is it thought leadership is it.

Chris Detzel: You know what is it.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah I mean, I think it really for us a lot of it this time is really about what does, what does the future of look of work look like what is the.

Elizabeth Kinsey: How does the digital HQ play into that.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And how can we celebrate the success stories of our customers, the things that they've done that are innovative and then certainly you know.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Where we can and where you are where you're able to it's always great to either introduce new features or talk about what's coming so i'm sure that there'll be there'll be some of that, but I think really you know a lot of it is about.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Especially this time is like, how do we just celebrate the fact that we can get together again with each other, sadly, I mean it's not going to be, you know, a 10,000 person conference.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But it's certainly and if anyone needs a Community code just you know hit me up in the workspace got to.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But uh but you know it'll I think a lot of it is about just celebrating each other and celebrating the like the success of getting as far but at the same time telling the story of the future of work.

Chris Detzel: So it's it's not leadership, mostly and of course you'll have you know, maybe a roadmap session about the future of slack or whatever, but that's pretty cool do you have like customer case studies that they come and present develop certain things and whatnot.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah you know we definitely want to include customers and you know, help them tell their story and help them, you know other people learn from those those moments so definitely will have customers coming in and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know some of those customers come from Community so it's.

Elizabeth Kinsey: that's one of the really great.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Things is like you know if you are part of the Community, and you see your CEO on stage talking with you know the the product leaders, you know, like you're in a good spot and yeah.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And you've got the inside track so.

Chris Detzel: that's pretty cool I like that.

Chris Detzel: So with with had no Question No just kind of lost me because I asked the other question.

Chris Detzel: You know, today we don't really have an events we just don't have a an event at all, we used to, and I think when Kobe head or even before that.

Chris Detzel: And I just stopped doing it, I think it's very important some of the things that i'm trying to do.

Chris Detzel: Is because this conversation that we're having today is very interesting to me just because I think community can play a huge role.

Chris Detzel: And in for us, I think that, for us to have a user Conference, we should build upon how are we going to get people to a user conference you know we're not a slack or not a salesforce and things like that, but.

Chris Detzel: And how do we get that and I think it's about one our Community right, so we have people within the Community, that you're going to want to go to a conference and maybe there's a technical track and maybe there's a.

Chris Detzel: You know, higher level type track, you know thought leadership and that kind of stuff but also.

Chris Detzel: How can we start thinking about that today and to me it's about right think about is.

Chris Detzel: Community to lead growth and the way we do, that is, you know, maybe it's talking to people and putting them on the spot, putting them on spotlight having many kind of.

Chris Detzel: You know events within this year to really start building the excitement about having a bigger event at some point, you know and.

Chris Detzel: And so I think Community for us is huge, in that, and you know no one's really thinking about it, I think.

Chris Detzel: For me, you know and i'm like opportunity is huge, you know, to have data leaders in the space talk about.

Chris Detzel: You know the things that they're working on the things that they're doing the things that the problems that they're solving you know and had successes with.

Chris Detzel: You know people a lot of people want to hear that ctos chief cios on all those kind of people right and so totally we can be kind of that thought leader piece of that from a data standpoint, you know.

Chris Detzel: And that's you know i've got really high hopes for that you know so anyways.

Elizabeth Kinsey: No, I mean I don't and I don't think that you need to be a big company in order to bring your customers together, even if it's not product specific if it's if it's thought leadership, so you know I think there's.

Elizabeth Kinsey: A lot to be said about what you are saying about having these kind of small moments to build up to this bigger moment right.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So one of the things that when I was in my previous role at branch, so we had a user conference that's called branch out and it was in San Francisco and it was mobile mobile leaders product managers.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And designers who we brought together, there was like 300 of them, it was a two day affair, there was a mix of people presenting about things that they've done, for you know mobile APP growth.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know, are we were the mobile growth community and we brought in a lot of those people who had done those smaller events so you create this excitement within your community but you're also.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Building out a speaker bunch you're building out stories you're testing the audience, to see what are they interested in what are they not interested in.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Do the you know, does the group from Los Angeles have more interest in talking to you know brands that are doing, commerce, or are they more interested in talking to like software.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And so you're able to do a lot of testing those smaller events to inform that bigger event and it doesn't have to be massive you know it can be successful and being 200 to 300 people sometimes it's almost better like I think of.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Some of the best conferences that i've been to have been around the 500 person level because.

Elizabeth Kinsey: there's enough new people that you get to know them.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know there's also enough familiar faces that you feel comfortable and it feels a little bit more intimate.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know when you're at a 15 or 20,000 person conference you're not going to see everything you're not going to talk to everyone, you want to talk to you're not going to do everything you can to get exhausted.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So sometimes even though those are much glitzier and nothing you know you've got like the big band at the end or whatever that event is like.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Sometimes smaller is better and less is more so, I would say, like to think of it that way, as your as you're pushing this forward as you're thinking about it like it doesn't.

Chris Detzel: that's gonna be.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Huge and you can talk about what you've done before, and just plug it in.

Chris Detzel: yeah I think you're right, I mean to me the smaller intimate groups are always better just because you can have you know way more.

Chris Detzel: From a conversation standpoint, you can have great discussions, and you know get to know people you know big events you know, like i've never been to dream force, I think I might go this year just because.

Chris Detzel: You know, we were going to have a booth and presence of some sort you know, and so it might be a good opportunity to connect with people, but you know that that conferences so big you know, like, how do you know a lot of people are going to that thing.

Chris Detzel: You know, and sometimes that's overwhelming for people like.

Chris Detzel: You know i've been a big conferences like that tune and thought you know some of these sessions are good and but.

Chris Detzel: You know, to me, I want to go there well i'll give you an example, I went to the cms Conference, I think you actually presented, I don't know, several years ago.

Chris Detzel: And you're there and I don't I might have said hello to or something, but other than that.

Chris Detzel: You know I hardly went to any of those sessions, but I knew I wanted to connect to people, so I just connected to a bunch of people that.

Chris Detzel: You know, like during a session and if you're presenting I was actually talking to someone so you know because I wanted to talk to them directly, you know.

Chris Detzel: And I think that that's why that's why I personally go to those there are some specific sessions that i'll probably want to go to but.

Chris Detzel: A lot of times you know the session unless it's a customer doing something specific and even then, if you're doing some for 30 minutes of presentations and it really.

Chris Detzel: it's hard to find those impactful to me like.

Chris Detzel: I know i'm just getting on a high horse like I think there are people like to do those things, and it gives people opportunity to present and and talk about and I think there's something big about that and should.

Chris Detzel: But to me I don't know, maybe i'm just not a big sit down and listen kind of guy you know i'm just kind of this.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I mean I can't imagine you know you're not a sit down and listen kind of guy.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I think I think.

Elizabeth Kinsey: along to your point, like, I think that that's one of the draws of big events right.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Is that networking aspect, it is that connection aspect, and I think that, for some people it's a mix of both.

Elizabeth Kinsey: For others, like you, it's really just about that aspect and for some people it's just, especially when you're early in your career.

Elizabeth Kinsey: you're like I.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Certainly attended way more sessions, when I was earlier in my career because.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I didn't know shit right like yeah.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So, because I want to go and look.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Like listen to the.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Fire stones and you know that.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Erica cools and all of the all of the amazing people that are in the industry that I, you know the carry Melissa Jones is that I didn't know anything.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And so, definitely soaking it up and it wasn't sometimes it wasn't even about you know I can learn specifically what you're doing, but what you're talking about sparks ideas for me.

Elizabeth Kinsey: i'm, certainly not in the point anymore, where i'm like sorry i'm going to cut a conversation with someone cool that i've just met short because I want to go and listen to you know the same talk about how to.

Elizabeth Kinsey: start your online Community like I have been there i've heard it, I know I know I have my.

Elizabeth Kinsey: own you know what to do.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And it's and it's, not that I don't want to support those folks but it's like there are so many competing interests there, but I am probably still going to go to some of the sessions, because.

Elizabeth Kinsey: you're still need to be inspired and I still like I love.

Chris Detzel: Seeing what like if I went.

Chris Detzel: If you're a cms and I was a cms and which I think i'm planning on going to that this year so.

Chris Detzel: But I would definitely if you had a session there, because I know you and I was like coming going back because you know I want to say hello, and I want to listen to her and support her, you know that kind of stuff.

Chris Detzel: And no, you know nothing less exactly what the Fuck was Chris what a jerk doing a podcast with that you.

Chris Detzel: know, especially.

Chris Detzel: No, but I think that so there's session now, especially now that I actually know certain things, depending on kind of yet how to build a community from scratch well.

Chris Detzel: You know i've done a lot of that I could talk about that as a session, maybe I could do, but you know it's it's a it's not when I probably go to or you know, maybe I would.

Chris Detzel: ask him questions around you know what does it mean a year later, you know that kind of stuff so maybe I have questions around you know.

Chris Detzel: How do you mature a Community or you know you you've been Community manager, for a long time at slack right and so and and you guys just built a platform, you know back a year or so ago, and so you know there's lots of great questions and things that you can ask anyways point is.

Chris Detzel: Back to events.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I mean we're still talking about events.


Chris Detzel: I get off a little easier, of the subject for are pretty easy.

Chris Detzel: What I like that idea, you know for me again it's not working, but for others, they like the sessions and things like that it's really cool that.

Chris Detzel: Your community is super engaged into events which it seems to make sense, you know, I think that somebody mentioned this and I don't disagree is you put an event is pretty much all hands on deck you know what I mean you get the PM and you've got.

Chris Detzel: You know, marketing, you have a Community you have.

Chris Detzel: tons of other prayers yes.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Sales yes, yes and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Sadly, you know your customer experience you've got the Web team you've got demand gen you've.

Elizabeth Kinsey: got everybody.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Every marketing marketing OPS business technology everybody's got it got a part to play.

Chris Detzel: For so the person that's facilitating those conversations it's got to be a.

Chris Detzel: Pretty awesome badass person, you know to do that, you know I mean because that's a lot of.

Elizabeth Kinsey: People to.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So many moving heart yeah.

Elizabeth Kinsey: No, I mean I was, I was that person for branch out and it was yeah.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I mean we we the binder that was like literally a moment by moment.

Chris Detzel: You are.

Chris Detzel: blitzer and you're like okay this.

Elizabeth Kinsey: 9:36am on Tuesday Okay, this is what should be happening, this is where all the people should be and that's just for the onsite right like think about all of the stuff that went into building that out.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah it's a lot of players, I have nothing but respect.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah man.

Elizabeth Kinsey: professionals, because that is a hard job like talk about having to solve.

Elizabeth Kinsey: problems that you cannot even imagine happening, make sure you can like you know you got your your worst case scenarios planned out, but things come up at events that you have to like figure out on the fly things break thing like people you just it's such a high demand.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And like you have to be really good at thinking on the fly and the.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Other thing that's so impressive to me about event professionals, you have to do all that with a straight face, like nobody else needs to know that.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Fire behind me.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You just have to sit there and be like.

Elizabeth Kinsey: The fire department aren't we so glad they're here today friends like you cannot.

Chris Detzel: Just doesn't show up you know all that stuff happens, you know.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I some I just a quick aside horror stories, so I once plan, an event and I had I don't know if I told you, I don't know who I told the story to recently, but I told this story to someone recently so.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I had hosted an event we did a month or once a quarter, we would host it at the same place, so I was real friendly with the event coordinator, I was our biggest sort of event for customers, you know for the quarter, and it involves a lot of people a sales the presenters everybody.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I had in the subject line of the email was the right date all the communication we sent the right date somehow signed a contract for the day later.

Elizabeth Kinsey: No, yes, so we show up like i've got 25 people with me to start setting up this you know afternoon to evening events.

Elizabeth Kinsey: And they're like a you're not supposed to be her till tomorrow, like um can you will get back to you because i'm pretty sure it's today and i'm looking at my phone i'm reading i'm like look she said i'll see you tomorrow.

Chris Detzel: hey.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah and then they go back and she comes out and she's like oh my God I just realized what happened, like the contract hot so i'm date but you and I are on the same page and she's like I thought you were coming it's on my calendar for this date.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But they had double booked the room and they had double booked it with the police Convention.

Elizabeth Kinsey: So it was a there's a bunch of police officers in San Jose that were you know there for some type of a training and I ended up getting them booted out of our room because, like we're there every quarter.

Elizabeth Kinsey: yeah, and so they put the police and the smaller room and then they put us in the in the room that we're supposed to be it and, like we took all their food they had to wait for like I don't really feel that bad.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But it was certainly one of those moments, where I was like I never would have planned for what do you do if you show up in your the idiot that hasn't figured out that you are contracts and other wrong date so.

Chris Detzel: yeah matters, and I think sometimes.

Chris Detzel: things happen, and you just in you plan, the best you can and those people like yourself have to be really amazing planners.

Chris Detzel: i'll give you another give an example is.

Elizabeth Kinsey: i'll tell you I never ever ever had another contract.

Elizabeth Kinsey: That I didn't look at 67 times to make sure it matches the date I thought it.

Elizabeth Kinsey: was so you know you learn.

Chris Detzel: You definitely learn from that and hand it still worked out, it sounds like so you know that's The thing is, how do you still make it work out with tons of people coming in and.

Chris Detzel: little story is I am planning this event here in Dallas, for you know rel to and i'm working with a partner of ours, you know that I saw about what are.

Chris Detzel: Are all sites and I said hey man, we need to start partnering more often, because we don't do any partners partnerships.

Chris Detzel: And why don't have like customers and prospects at a dinner let's just do something to Dallas I live in Dallas might as well as the guy let's do it.

Chris Detzel: And so just this little events you know is is you know i'm working with cells i'm working with somebody in marketing that puts together, you know these event type things these i'm working now with.

Chris Detzel: The partners marketing team and the partner sales team i'm like Jesus, you know, like this is something that's 120 people show up or so, you know and that's it, you know it's just have some fun doesn't work that way, I mean it's big.

Chris Detzel: it's a big time suck for a lot of different people and i'm thinking Jesus, you know, like.

Chris Detzel: there's a page that's going to be created and then something's going to do the rest of them you gotta get have lists and then they might the marketing teams might want some you know swag stuff over at the event and I dude I just want to go have some beers.

Chris Detzel: and talk to people.

Chris Detzel: You know what I mean like yeah i'm flying somebody out from Boston you know to to come to Dallas to be kind of the the thought leader, you know and i'm thinking just kind of either way you know to.

Chris Detzel: Just meet up you know, and right now there's not like you get a built a you gotta kind of.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You know yeah no events are an ecosystem, they are not, I mean, I think that there are some levels in some ways, that you can just sort of show up and have.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Some coffee ad hoc and, but when you're thinking about.

Elizabeth Kinsey: investing a significant amount of time and energy and money you need something back from that right and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: The conversations are great conversations aren't enough like you need something to give to sales and you need something to get some marketing and you need something to get all of that goodness that you're looking for back.

Chris Detzel: yeah I think it's really about it, I was talking to somebody earlier about this is.

Chris Detzel: You know, Community really needs to kind of continue to insert themselves into the business right, so I think, from a Community leader standpoint, the hardest part is.

Chris Detzel: One is doing just that is you know have your strategy, you know if it's events, how does community.

Chris Detzel: What role does Community play in events and some of the stuffs extremely tactical but you know it, the strategy could be well.

Chris Detzel: You know we're very good at moderating conversations we're very good at you know lot of different things connecting people.

Chris Detzel: And you know let's show what Community the Community team can do and then over time, you know what you have is you know.

Chris Detzel: Your embedded in the business in a big way you know, and I think that it's hard for us to what I think is hard for us is.

Chris Detzel: getting off a little bit, but and you tell me if i'm wrong, but so we're very good at connecting people and and you know.

Chris Detzel: Getting discussions go in and you know, making sure our customers are taken care of and things like that you know but that's hard and sometimes I have a hard time doing this is.

Chris Detzel: You know, truly kind of embedding ourselves in totally into the business and saying, these are the outcomes that Community drives.

Chris Detzel: here's the proof, you know here's the business goal, you know to me like all those things are very difficult and something that we have to get better at I like how from an event standpoint you guys are really trying to embed yourself into that so nice word.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Things I mean, I think it takes time I don't think that you're wrong, I think it is hard I think sometimes those are different skill sets.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But we expect people to to be able to do all of those things, and you know, sometimes maybe it's not maybe there is a skill set that is more suited for internal enablement.

Elizabeth Kinsey: and one that is more suited.

Elizabeth Kinsey: For customer enablement or Community enablement.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I don't think that that's always the case, I don't know they have to be mutually exclusive, but I think at some point, like those are two different roles right like you cannot be the person who is.

Elizabeth Kinsey: living and breathing your Community and also living and breathing every.

Elizabeth Kinsey: With every single department internally finding champions because you're building an internal Community right like, if you want to layer yourself into that part of the business.

Elizabeth Kinsey: You can't be your only champion, you have to make alliances, you have to find the people that understand the value, who, when they say what's in it for me already kind of have an idea of how.

Elizabeth Kinsey: They would like to see a benefit right, and I think that sometimes with Community managers you're so protective of the Community.

Elizabeth Kinsey: That it's hard to be like.

Elizabeth Kinsey: There should be something in it for you, but there has to be in order for those people to be invested and innovation into the room right, so you have to find the champions, and like that it can be a full time job you know, like, especially if you're in a really big company.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Or you have a lot of different roles within your company.

Elizabeth Kinsey: or a lot of different stakeholders, it can be quite the challenge to not only like create and maintain those relationships, but what happens when that person leaves yeah what happens when.

Elizabeth Kinsey: you're you know champion and product is like cool piece i'm out go into this other company, and now you have to tell that story again and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: I think what ends up being the most successful is when you are finding those allies and able to bring Community into that layer of the business is empowering those allies to tell other people what the benefit is so that.

Elizabeth Kinsey: Again you're not the only megaphone right like you have to build those alliances.

Chris Detzel: it's very well said I love that wow.

Elizabeth Kinsey: i'm really shocked that I was able to say that the brain fog situation is real my friends.

Elizabeth Kinsey: This is like my most lucid moment of the day and it's all for you.

Chris Detzel: that's great because you know i'm going to take that and.

Chris Detzel: it's going to be a little clip and it's going to look to me it looks really good, because you said something extremely smart.

Chris Detzel: You do all the time, so it's always good sometimes I like to take the funny moments out, you know but but i'm thinking about taking more of the serious moments into you know hey she said some really smart let's take that you know I mean so i'm going to do more than anyways.

Chris Detzel: We get a bit.

Elizabeth Kinsey: But I love, where we started, where we ended up, though, because they think it's it all it all feels like we like a very natural path here so yeah.

Chris Detzel: Well, I think we'll end on that, but Elizabeth thanks so much for coming on to another peers over beers i'm Chris Daniel and.

Elizabeth Kinsey: i'm Elizabeth kinsey thanks for having me again.

Chris Detzel: Thanks for coming everyone.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.