Episode 108 - Web 3.0, NFT's and NFT Community with John Thomas Connor, CEO and founder of Faktura

Episode 108 - Web 3.0, NFT's and NFT Community with John Thomas Connor, CEO and founder of Faktura


In this episode of Peers Over Beers, CEO and Founder John Thomas Connor at Faktura walks us through what NFT's are, how it fits into Web 3.0 and what communities look like for NFT's. Check out Faktura here: https://faktura.art/

Chris Detzel: So, welcome to another peers over beers i'm Chris Detzel so I have a special guest today.

John Thomas Connor: My name is john conner.

Chris Detzel: john you're on the zoom it says john Thomas Connor so you know I wasn't sure how to present you.

Chris Detzel: got it yeah.

John Thomas Connor: That makes sense yeah just a lot of people, the game jack conner side.

John Thomas Connor: Had throughout the middle name, you know for seo reasons.

Chris Detzel: The terminators one of them.

John Thomas Connor: I have no idea.

Chris Detzel: where you can be referring to.

Chris Detzel: yeah you wouldn't know.

Chris Detzel: it's kind of a movie that used to be around back in the day.

Chris Detzel: So tell me john a little bit about who you are what you do and you know, then we'll get into kind of the Community stuff.

John Thomas Connor: yeah, so I am the co founder and CEO of factory at factory that art and recreate no code tools that enable brands and creators to launch advanced nfl teams that can respond to live data.

John Thomas Connor: So we focus on really two buckets of innovation, one is making sure that everything is on your site, so we provide and bed so that.

John Thomas Connor: You can get on your own website, so the nfp is fully under your control you on the smart contract and then we've created a dynamic and FT architecture that allows for nfc us to update in response to live data.

Chris Detzel: You said a lot there.

Chris Detzel: john and I want to bring it down because.

Chris Detzel: You know, and if teams have been around for a little bit, but not mainstream you know, like i've never talked to a company about nfc stuff so i'm highly interested.

Chris Detzel: One is what is an FT and you mentioned a lot of kind of live data data, you know, and all I can stuff which is interesting, so can you talk a little bit about that what is an empty, first of all, and what are you trying to accomplish.

John Thomas Connor: yeah so first of all an nfc you know it's a noun fundable token lot of people for that phrase doesn't explain a whole lot and you can essentially think of it as an entry.

John Thomas Connor: All this is an entry in the database.

John Thomas Connor: Except instead of that database being controlled by a company that might have incentive to change within the database and have the power, changes in the database without anyone knowing or be able to check them.

John Thomas Connor: The database that this nfc is connected to is open and decentralized so that people can see it right.

John Thomas Connor: And so, an NF T as an entry in this database is an indication that you own something so it's public proof that you own something.

John Thomas Connor: Right and what you own can be you know a lot of people talk about you know, and if he's been opening jpg that's obviously you know, mostly a joke it's a joke to people making fun of that it is it's a joke to people in nfp to.

John Thomas Connor: write I seven nfc can be anything really from an image vs wasn't image to something as advanced as a you know the keys to an entire platform right and anything in between, so I it could be code, it could be media.

John Thomas Connor: It can be just an indicator that you own something like real estate.

John Thomas Connor: Again, I know this sounds complex there's a lot of pieces, but at the end of the day, it's just an entry in a public database that no one can centrally control right that no one can tamper with that indicates that you own something.

Chris Detzel: Right sounds so Web.


John Thomas Connor: yep.

John Thomas Connor: that's that's The key phrase it's exactly what it is and if these are going to be the way that.

John Thomas Connor: I think most people get on boarded to web 3.0 on and that that phrase has meaning because we're coming from web two point O on web two point O being companies like Twitter and Facebook and really blogs, even where.

John Thomas Connor: Users started generating content.

John Thomas Connor: On and instead of the companies having to generate our content and the websites himself kind of general other content on except in those cases, you generally get you know, a tiny add share your ads like on YouTube.

John Thomas Connor: Things like that.

John Thomas Connor: um or.

Chris Detzel: You know, and just gives you the tools.

John Thomas Connor: yeah your Google ads or you just gives you the tools right and they just get to take the data they can take all the advertising on the company's kind of determine the terms as well right.

Chris Detzel: They own it.

John Thomas Connor: And, and so, as you mentioned, now we're talking about web three right this idea that instead of twitter's database, where they can get to determine Herman what I get sad and you know let's say you have money in a Twitter account my.

John Thomas Connor: PayPal account money in a vendor account yeah Twitter is chipping now.

John Thomas Connor: I that isn't a private data days, and they can take that money away right and and you can argue with them on but fades more than likely can probably.

John Thomas Connor: outweigh any given individual in court and proving that they don't have that money in the first place, they didn't have that money right they control the entire database right there's they own it.

John Thomas Connor: I know, obviously we like to think good of people that they'll be honest, but I got at the end of the day, on one of the core principles of the entire web three space of blockchain but really the entire web space is.

John Thomas Connor: Sorry what's the phrase i'm looking for there's permission looseness on but trust looseness.

John Thomas Connor: yeah right, so you don't have to trust the database owners you don't have to trust Twitter right.

John Thomas Connor: So, again we went out a bunch of rabbit holes here on.

John Thomas Connor: What an nfc is but that's to you know, on, I want to make it concrete but also abstract is abstractions important because.

John Thomas Connor: If it's too hot creative people just think of it as just an image or a piece of art, then it's like well that's dumb, this is a digital thing it's not like the real thing it's.

John Thomas Connor: Not, but you have to get the right mental model in order to appreciate the potential value that the technology can bring.

Chris Detzel: it's intriguing and, as I kind of think about, thank you for that setup because I think that's helpful it's still confusing to me, but I think that.

Chris Detzel: Just being in it all day every day.

Chris Detzel: somebody like you, you get it, you understand it and and the more you get into something, the more you understand it, but the thing that.

Chris Detzel: When I think of nfl teams, you know I think of.

Chris Detzel: You know, like Jimmy fallon or reese witherspoon and those kind of things you know talking about hey I created my own, you know enough tea and and things like that, so that those are the ways i've heard it and i've even heard from.

Chris Detzel: what's a guy named that's you know this amazing speaker just motivator whatever that talks about a long time lately and have to.

John Thomas Connor: Gary vee.

Chris Detzel: yeah Gary vee.

Chris Detzel: talks about our time and this talks about as the future and things like that so it's intriguing to me for sure and and what's more interesting is kind of this.

Chris Detzel: You know the thing the last year or two the the nfc community has really taken off like crazy in.

Chris Detzel: But i'm not 100% sure I understand what an empty Community looks like I had been building communities, for a long time.

Chris Detzel: And you know I think it's in general, when I think of community of users it's a community of users, that are you know interested in a very.

Chris Detzel: similar thing and they talk about those kinds of things they help each other, you know and different ways and get better at a certain things, so if it's a product, I assume, as nfc.

Chris Detzel: Can you talk a little bit about what a community of nfc users would look like to you and and what that maybe the value that would be.

John Thomas Connor: Absolutely, and on you know I think this is a very delicate topic I think it's one that can be made simple but I said it's delicate because.

John Thomas Connor: it's very easy to run into the issue where by what you see the most is what determines the meaning of words and so, for example in the nfc space, the phrase Community gets thrown around a lot.

Chris Detzel: And he does, by the way, but yeah.

Chris Detzel: yeah I agree with you.

John Thomas Connor: On and.

John Thomas Connor: yeah what you see a lot of is that phrase being utilized in order to maximize profit game right it's people in the space know that it's a concept that is still abstract yeah.

John Thomas Connor: People don't know what it needs to mean to have meaningful community to have successful Community to have rewarding community to have valuable community and whatever value they might have.

John Thomas Connor: And a lot of times that's financial we'll get to that in a minute on, and so, because there's this ambiguity it's it's it's the Wild West right.

John Thomas Connor: And that means you have some people that are brilliant innovators pioneers that are developing Community in a way that.

John Thomas Connor: I would say is leveraging nfc technology and leveraging blockchain technology in a meaningful way and by meaningful, I mean i'm allowing for types of connectedness allowing for touch of incentives that drive types of connectedness that could not have existed, otherwise.

John Thomas Connor: Now, whether or not you think it's good are going to achieve its goals they're exploring tools of.

John Thomas Connor: connection and and Community incentive ization and governance and power sharing right and and really at the end of the day, it's different ways of organizing people organizing people and resources and effort.

John Thomas Connor: On so the pioneers are doing that, with these communities right and there's a lot there I can unpack that in a minute, but then.

John Thomas Connor: You know there's a lot of hype communities where it's all about like you know either one problem like promising big things on our roadmap that they don't have a technical capacity to deliver.

John Thomas Connor: On like okay cool you're going to build an entire metaverse game, if you sell you know $2 million with your with your and she's like real game studios fail at doing this kind of stuff all the time.

John Thomas Connor: The idea that some random five anonymous people on the Internet that.

John Thomas Connor: could barely launched an nfc project I could pull something like that off for $2 million, you know i'm not i'm not calling out anybody in particular any projects, in particular at all.

John Thomas Connor: I think there's a lot of smart people in the space that will deliver on their on their projects on the promises but.

John Thomas Connor: it's kind of like kickstarter on crack in that sense, except on when you buy a new project i'm like on kickstarter.

John Thomas Connor: When you buy and you get an asset and that becomes tradable and now what happens that you have that asset, it can be worth more money, what makes it worth more money, the story that everyone tells about it.

John Thomas Connor: yeah now you're a part of it, and you have an incentive, as one of the people that owns an nfc in this collection whether it's a piece of art.

John Thomas Connor: or a fundraising tool or a token to to events part of your job, like, by definition, part of your job in the abstract, you have incentives, the value goes up.

John Thomas Connor: is to get people excited about it, to build the image that this is worth something that's meaningful to be a part of this community that it's valuable that maybe.

John Thomas Connor: Even make you more money, and you know what you can say things like i'll never sell mine, even though you know that you'll sell yours, at some point, because you want to make money.

John Thomas Connor: you'll never saw yours, though, because this project is going to be so huge right it's gonna.

John Thomas Connor: it's kind of go to the moon it's going to be worth so much money so so that's a complication, how do you know when people are genuinely.

John Thomas Connor: buying into a project have a vision and their Community buys into a vision that they can achieve and that they're properly aligned versus people that are trying to.

John Thomas Connor: make a bunch of money you're their experiment pretty much and they're just using this this essentially as a crowdfunding mechanism where they don't have much responsibility at all if things fail.

John Thomas Connor: So how do you tell the difference that's that's where things get interesting on but yeah so again.

John Thomas Connor: there's a lot there, I was answering your question like what is Community look like in the energy, space, again, there are innovators that are pioneers there are people that are trying to.

John Thomas Connor: You know, for example, do nonprofit ask things with nfl teams right, and there are people are just trying to make a bunch of money and trying to build their community and height people up.

John Thomas Connor: On and then, and then there are just you know people that appreciate, whatever the communities about and that's one of the cool things you can make it a lot simpler than then all the crazy stuff I just got into and just be like think about meetup right.

John Thomas Connor: yeah if, instead of like you know you gotta have some skin in the game you think about it that way you got some skin in the game, you can just like show up to these events.

John Thomas Connor: So, like all right, what if you had to pay $100 for an nfc and then you get to go to the meetup.

John Thomas Connor: And it shows you actually care enough about this thing you got some skin in the game and you're going to pitch in on maybe even like make something like a Community project together, maybe that's a part of it, maybe it goes to that automatically maybe the group of small maybe it's big.

John Thomas Connor: Maybe you guys are artists, maybe you guys are writers, maybe you guys are weirdos maybe you guys are whatever.

Chris Detzel: fingers whatever.

John Thomas Connor: yeah whatever.

John Thomas Connor: You can generate Community around it and nfp on as a technology for communities.

John Thomas Connor: operates as a mechanism to generate funds on.

John Thomas Connor: To obligate funds even you know you could use even technically sound under the smart contracts were only certain amounts will be released.

John Thomas Connor: After votes that approved that certain measures have been met you at different stages of our product development let's say right on so someone just can't run away with like $4 million that's raised in a project to like I don't know build a TAO forest tree house.

John Thomas Connor: that's a spin on what some way what's one group is actually doing Kevin down um.

John Thomas Connor: But yeah so yeah i'm spitting out there's there's a lot, we cannot be a diner anytime.

Chris Detzel: What does so i'll try to break down there at the best I can but what is effective for Community to look like like something something at your company well what would you know you seem interested in this very much of a Community kind of stuff it sounds like you're also.

Chris Detzel: doing some interesting stuff within in an empty space as well, so what kind of community would you like to see and and how would it help.

Chris Detzel: To make sense.

John Thomas Connor: yeah definitely so there's like two primary areas of Community that we really focus on on, and it can really be broken out into the category, like the two parts of our company so there's there's factor of the software.

John Thomas Connor: Software platform right we're a SAS we're a traditional web to company in that sense, was trying to bring web three to the web to world.

John Thomas Connor: On.

John Thomas Connor: And that's you know why we're building tools for creators and brands and a lot of them to do more advanced things connect things from the Web to space and make it really easy.

John Thomas Connor: Instead of having to set up wallets and do some complicated stuff i'm, for example, we're working on integration right now that allows you to pay per credit card.

John Thomas Connor: On and then, if you're putting an email address, and you don't even have to have a you know, a Meta mask water crypto wallet or have a theory or anything like that, and you can bind receiving nfp.

Chris Detzel: is cool.

John Thomas Connor: And then you can always transfer it to a project to a private wallet any wallet you want, at a time, but regenerate one for you.

Chris Detzel: so that I can that I can put my head around because that's the kind of communities, I bill for yeah SAS companies right software SAS SAS companies.

John Thomas Connor: So that's right.

Chris Detzel: there's a lot of opportunity, just in that particular type of Community right.

John Thomas Connor: yeah and so, for us, like, for example, that means like i'm on linkedin.

John Thomas Connor: I and i'm connecting with a bunch of people in a bunch of different groups, how we got connected actually through people.

John Thomas Connor: linkedin and they're doing things like this, introducing like hey oh you're working on it's what does this well, I mean like you know that's kind of how we know that we solve a problem is every time I talk to somebody like oh my God it solves this talk to this person, you know.

John Thomas Connor: You know, like on as a startup that's the most valuable thing for us, and so that Community building for us has been super organic.

John Thomas Connor: Obviously we're doing things like you know planning posts, and we have marketing that we're going to be doing everything like that so like really build this out and.

John Thomas Connor: Once our API is live then we're going to be building more technical Community around that where it's like okay cool.

John Thomas Connor: Not only can you use these tools, but developers, you can build things with this, and they can get pretty crazy again because.

John Thomas Connor: We have this dynamic nfc architecture on that no one else is really doing stuff like this, so.

John Thomas Connor: Like once we have those tools live our communities kind of shift from just this like B2B focus we're building a product, give us feedback we can help you launch.

John Thomas Connor: To more of this like it's we're also incubating innovation directly in the Community with our tools on trying to push the boundaries on.

Chris Detzel: Like do you use like a slack or what kind of totally us to bring these Community people together the users.

John Thomas Connor: So right now we're in a little bit of a transition Vernon early stage should be don't have a lot of the tools live yet we're can holding all the project launches so.

John Thomas Connor: Right now it's just on.

John Thomas Connor: it's on linkedin right i'm a part of a couple linkedin groups and it's all being kind of like privately managed.

John Thomas Connor: On and then we have a discord for our projects which i'll get into in a.

John Thomas Connor: Second, on and we also have a private group on there where we're managing some of the conversation, but on, we are going to watch a discord that is dedicated entirely to factor up once we're a little bit closer to mvp and we're doing some life beta testing.

John Thomas Connor: And together we're going to be focusing on those things like helping people launch projects.

John Thomas Connor: i'm getting feedback from them getting feature requests on making sure that you know we go over the business use cases for the ideas that they generate.

John Thomas Connor: there's a lot of your ideas in this space, and if we can like develop a system where we're getting feedback from the Community and it's like well is this a genuine innovation, or is this just catch or what.

Chris Detzel: You know, they can vote on these ideas and they can add additional kind of insights to some of this stuff you know so it's.

Chris Detzel: it's a great opportunity, you know, for your product managers to kind of look at what people are needing and wanting, and you know, but some of this is you're just gonna have to create yourself, you know, because nobody knows.

John Thomas Connor: yeah exactly i'm so like we have a really nice you actually designed and that's what's between now and mvp because we have.

John Thomas Connor: All the functionality developed we've been wanting projects, we have a big queue of projects that we're going to be launching some of them, which I can I can get into a little bit because.

John Thomas Connor: Again there's a lot of them are dynamic and of keys, which I think are the future of nfc is on but yeah so we're finishing up the front end and.

John Thomas Connor: We have a very I think efficient ux obviously those you know nothing no i'm great idea so i'm meeting the market i'm sure we're gonna get a lot more feedback we've already gotten quite a bit, but on.

John Thomas Connor: That was one of the things that we kind of had to check ourselves on when it came to like figuring out like okay.

John Thomas Connor: Making no code solutions for certain things like Okay, this is going to be a form, and this is going to be drag and drop, and this is.

John Thomas Connor: This is material design guidelines for this kind of stuff that's one thing, but.

John Thomas Connor: When it comes to like dynamic and of keys, which is hardly even like a phrase being registered yet, and you could any variation right live nfp is and if she doesn't respond to data.

John Thomas Connor: Data driven and lefties connected nfp is you know or What, however, you want to describe them there's not a phrase that has fully caught on yet on.

John Thomas Connor: In order to dominate the conversation, but my point there is that you know a lot of the ux is simple and we're trying to keep it simple.

John Thomas Connor: We can always improve it later on we're going to give you gathering, a lot of data doing a lot of user interviews, we want to keep things obvious clear, simple, you know very on.

John Thomas Connor: Traditional design patterns on and then, when it comes to creating dynamic and a tease though we're creating tools that.

John Thomas Connor: Are kind of like.

John Thomas Connor: Like designing photoshop right we're we're approaching this as a new medium almost design as a part of it, but then the sales flow is a part of it too it's like you know.

John Thomas Connor: An nfc can contain a lot on and especially when you add the fact that it can change over time or respond to data it becomes pretty much its own its own program right it's it can be very simple, but it could be infinitely complicated.

John Thomas Connor: And so that's where like the ux innovation is going to get pretty interesting on our own.

Chris Detzel: yeah that's that's really cool when you say dynamic in FT and there's not really.

Chris Detzel: coined phrase I guess is that is that right that.

John Thomas Connor: Nobody really yeah I mean all yet.

John Thomas Connor: yeah it's funny I mean like the nba had a drop of they released about a month ago, not not top shots they're more recent one we're dynamic and 50s.

John Thomas Connor: And people have been saying the phrase for every year, we had been working on dynamic axes for a year.

John Thomas Connor: But there's just like no seo around it, and then they just took over the seo right now it's just like you would think that they're the only dynamic entities ever made on.

John Thomas Connor: But it can be confusing to because, even if you Google it channeling comes up and channeling this is this is another rabbit hole.

John Thomas Connor: They they provide a technology that allows for randomization like provable trust list right non shame on blockchain randomization.

John Thomas Connor: So that's like if there's a contest or a lottery, you can prove it's fair right and not not rigged in any way.

John Thomas Connor: So they call that dynamic nfc is actually that utilize that random generation but that's different than the way we look at it, which is any data right whether it's time around, random number on you know, in case in the case of MBA it's you know player stats right update the nfc.

John Thomas Connor: For us that's like that that's an awesome use case right it's an it's a.

John Thomas Connor: novel use case it's a collectible use case but there's also functional ones there's ones that can offer utility and beyond just a promotional item or a collectible item that we're exploring as well.

Chris Detzel: Since like you have an opportunity to kind of own the seo space for this nfp stuff I mean there's a lot of shit out there.

Chris Detzel: You know some of its rays, so if it's wrong and who really knows, but I think like a company like yours, if you care to.

Chris Detzel: Could own it, you know and coin, the phrase, the way you want to buy creating just a shift in an awesome you know.

Chris Detzel: content that gets to where you want to go, you know, like example is one example of many different content types, but you build this website that's really awesome I don't know if you really want to build a two point O website, but you know you'd have to to some degree right.

Chris Detzel: That is just traditionally you know really great content, whether it's you know, creating a podcast around and teas and all the things that you want to know about it and then creating a.

Chris Detzel: You know, a transcript that good pushes out directly to the website so you can get really good seo Korean blogs, creating videos and things like that, I mean the opportunities there for the taking I would assume, because such a slightly new stuff right and you could just kind of.

Chris Detzel: molded to the way you like I don't know that's.

Chris Detzel: yeah that's the way I kind of see it and the opportunities are dig for you.

John Thomas Connor: they're completely correct, I mean you know whether or not that's true in the sense of like you know we might get steamrolled by like adobe or something in a month, but that's our plan right now right so.

John Thomas Connor: i'm again not to toot our own Horn, but I think you know if you grew up around you haven't speaks for itself.

John Thomas Connor: On the concept, no matter what you label it have nfc is that live update with data, and specifically the way we're approaching it.

John Thomas Connor: Because we're not just updating the metadata on chain, which requires the transaction right and after the permanent things.

John Thomas Connor: So if you update the metadata on chain that that can be dynamic that requires a transaction costs gas from are complicated on it's gonna be a lot slower on to me a lot less dynamic for sure.

John Thomas Connor: On instead we've come up with a unique architecture that essentially brings the full power of web applications.

John Thomas Connor: From interfaces where you can collect data verified by the nfc owner, because only the owner could interact with it.

John Thomas Connor: On the nfc itself right you don't actually have to have it on the website, or even.

John Thomas Connor: On to you know, like I mentioned like art that updates in response to any number of things, including what multiple people are doing right can update collaboratively based on what multiple owners or what multiple art artists do um.

John Thomas Connor: and

John Thomas Connor: yeah really in that domain we're trying to explore as many use cases as possible generate blog posts and then generating videos that explain them as well.

John Thomas Connor: So that's our current kind of go to market plan we're going to be developing those over the next couple months.

John Thomas Connor: We already have a couple that are going to be ready for for a first kind of rounded casting next week um but yeah educational content that explores the American cheese what's possible you can do with attack on that also like our ABC is you know getting back to.

John Thomas Connor: What our tell him in the.

Chris Detzel: easiest way, I mean, yes, you do the right things with the blogs and stuff like that that's just you know you got to do that, but.

Chris Detzel: telling you man, create a podcast of some sort and get the transcripts push them out to the main websites because that's what you do is you think about the topics that you want to cover so, for example.

Chris Detzel: it's dynamic enough to maybe look at a series of you know, three or four different.

Chris Detzel: podcasts that you want to do that, you know somebody in the space knows something really good about or maybe it's just one of your experts.

Chris Detzel: Right you bring them in and let's have a conversation Q amp a 30 minute conversation push the transcript in it, and then you can even write a blog around.

Chris Detzel: kind of that whole entire podcast right you push that into video audio do a bunch of cool shit yeah I mean there's a lot of things like you sound like you're doing some really good stuff but you know.

John Thomas Connor: I think you're totally right like I think I have.

Chris Detzel: an easy.

Chris Detzel: You know what I mean like.

Chris Detzel: Just you and I can just get together and say okay.

Chris Detzel: here's the questions that I want to ask and think about it, most people ask questions like what is in a dynamic and fit.

Chris Detzel: Perfect you know you and I had a conversation about it it's in this transcript.

Chris Detzel: Then we could even write even a blog around what is the dynamic enough tea bubble blah you embed the audio or the video, and you know, saying that you know john Connor.

Chris Detzel: Our CEO says this you know some some creative awesome you know thought leadership stuff know that kind of stuff right because.

Chris Detzel: Now you're kind of seen as yeah you're the CEO of this company, but you're also seen as the thought leader.

Chris Detzel: Because really what really what you want to be as you can have somebody that's a thought leader in the space, you know or the leader in that space because.

Chris Detzel: You don't want to just say hey we sell this thing all we want to do is talk about our product so important, but we also can guide you in the right direction on what to do within teams and things like that we're not just selling you shit important that you do, but.

Chris Detzel: it's also being that high level kind of.

Chris Detzel: you're going to come to us because we're going to teach you all things, and it is you know and so that's just my thoughts around that.

John Thomas Connor: yeah no I think you're 100% spot on, I think the podcasts the fastest route to that contact, I mean, I agree with everything you're describing.

John Thomas Connor: I think you know i've been a little gun shy around a lot of that kind of stuff just because we've been so heads down focus on the actual attack.

John Thomas Connor: But now that we're launching all these projects like I like I mentioned like you know we're going to be making blog posts and videos but the same content, the same things that we're going over these blog posts that explain.

John Thomas Connor: The individual use cases for dynamic and if keys, and how our time.

Chris Detzel: is being.

John Thomas Connor: You know, those are you know good podcast conversations I can interview my my cto and we can get.

John Thomas Connor: into the architecture, a bit get nerdy I talked to the artist right, we have a number of artists that we're collaborating with all of them, we should interview yeah.

Chris Detzel: yeah that you know that's the thing i'm i'm starting to kind of push my organization is hey look.

Chris Detzel: We have experts here that are thought leaders like our cto and founder.

Chris Detzel: Of rel to great thought leader and he's kind of seen as a thought leader in the space, but there's also our customers that are CIO ctos that are thought leaders in the data space as well, so how do we get them on.

Chris Detzel: The on these people want to be on these podcasts and and it's great to say you know look these artists are the cios that our customers are not even our customers, but.

Chris Detzel: They know a lot they've been doing this for a long time they have lots of expertise and you're bringing that to them it's not just you and your cto, which is good but it's also.

Chris Detzel: The artists like you said and other people that are.

Chris Detzel: You know, in the space and what they're doing and exciting because Why make it to kind of promote their stuff but to is you get to promote that hey this, this is what we're bringing to to nobody else's you know.

Chris Detzel: it's an it's some sort of easy you know easy nothing's easy, but you know to me.

John Thomas Connor: I totally know what you mean, and I agree completely I think on my end it's mostly a matter of just like.

John Thomas Connor: You know, a couple of documents and scheduling things.

Chris Detzel: yeah time.

John Thomas Connor: shop ahead some bullet points but yeah.

Chris Detzel: yeah I think for you, you know it's hard probably you know, being in the kind of really startup kind of space and then also how do I get out of that kind of.

Chris Detzel: Because eventually there's growth right like eventually you get I mean your startup for a long time, but you know it's still like there's going to be another level, that you as a CEO would want to probably go right like and then there's always different stages of that.

Chris Detzel: The CEO level, you know your startup you're probably in the shit doing shit you know and.

Chris Detzel: But then, you know, at some point you'll get staff here stuff there and then you know you either let somebody else take it over and you'll be the cto and founder I don't know whatever, that is, you know but it's kind of cool to see like what you guys are doing, I mean you've.

Chris Detzel: got this one, though.

John Thomas Connor: um yeah this is so, I mean depends on how you count companies versus projects and stuff right but.

John Thomas Connor: This is my second like full on attempt at building a company, the first one, I developed is my first entry into like startups period I zero clue what I was doing.

John Thomas Connor: And I taught myself everything taught myself how to code, a little bit how to build websites using design market validate I read all the books and.

John Thomas Connor: made all the mistakes for five years ahead, but I spent five years building that company, ultimately, you know we couldn't make enough money to like make it make sense.

John Thomas Connor: On but uh yeah I was also experienced to lead me to like working at a couple of high growth companies in a product capacity, you know leveraging everything I had learned and being an NF cheese.

John Thomas Connor: A year ago I started this company about 16 months ago i'm like I can't be an employee right now, and if these are too crazy there's too much going on and and I honestly I couldn't get over the idea that everyone was so focused on static and fts.

John Thomas Connor: Like like just like pretty much just jpg and video loops.

John Thomas Connor: You know change, you know it's like as.

John Thomas Connor: artifacts and i'm like honestly this feels like scratching the surface of something much bigger here and philosophically on as tools of economic exploration as tools of Community and then also as like programmable explorations right that you can program and refuse to do anything.

John Thomas Connor: To to only display certain in our case, especially I to only display certain things only under certain conditions are certain conditions have been met.

John Thomas Connor: You know I want to give certain people access that they've done certain things they only get the qr code to get into the event, you know that kind of thing.

John Thomas Connor: You know, and then it's an edge and asset right it's something that like you do all these things you build all this tech, and you go with all this exclusivity all this access on all these concepts.

John Thomas Connor: And that's what gives it value to somebody else speculation aside speculations a whole different thing you know that kind of skews real real value like you know experienced value on.

John Thomas Connor: But there is a lot that can be captured on and then, when when it is captured by you, when you're nfp.

John Thomas Connor: You know, responsive things that you do levels up in whatever way and whatever systems, whether it's a loyalty program or some grew advancing within some group.

John Thomas Connor: You know if i'm discord or something that gives you so like privileges on that, then becomes something that you can sell to somebody else right you're capturing.

John Thomas Connor: Your Labor rights as a technology i'm not just nfc and mcs are good starting point but dynamic and nephews and if she's that can evolve and actually that can respond to real world data.

John Thomas Connor: On they can capture things that you do on and convert it into something that is directly valuable and can be sold to somebody else.

John Thomas Connor: And that is one of the most fundamental innovations of after uses of technology that a lot of people miss when they're focused on these like eight images, you know.

Chris Detzel: Images like that.

Chris Detzel: which has been good anything else you want to kind of dive into a little bit.

Chris Detzel: And then that we kind of missed, I mean.

John Thomas Connor: You know.

Chris Detzel: weekly part but.

John Thomas Connor: yeah um I went pretty high level with a lot of things um it might be useful, you know to touch on just like How are people going to start seeing this right, how is.

John Thomas Connor: so soon as our lives.

John Thomas Connor: On and some of this is like trends that i'm seeing some of this is like different experiments by bigger brands we don't know for sure, and some of this is like well.

John Thomas Connor: we're building an attack and we're working on a client, so I know we're always going to be some of it on but you know one there's ways in which you're gonna see if cheese.

John Thomas Connor: On so are you know the markets down right now I couldn't care less you know I didn't didn't impact anything that I said this entire conversation because we're just building you don't really care about the price of you know, random things in the market.

John Thomas Connor: As a company, you know we're a technology company, we believe in what the technology is possible, you know we're talking about the technology and so on.

John Thomas Connor: You know and that's that's The thing is, like there are so many people building right now, and these are not the people that are tweeting every day and getting all hyped up and like trying to sell you again.

John Thomas Connor: Man random collections and get you to buy into their discord and stuff like.

John Thomas Connor: There are so many builders out there that are quietly building infrastructure technology tools.

John Thomas Connor: On there's a lot of very smart people a lot of them have money we have a little bit of money we have some funding a lot of different companies with a lot of smart people a lot of funding.

John Thomas Connor: on building a lot of different things for the space and so on you'll see entities that are more accessible, I like I mentioned in terms of vm to buy them with like credit cards and just use your email address.

John Thomas Connor: yeah but you'll also see entities in places where you actually don't actually see them at all.

John Thomas Connor: There will be a half tease that you'll realize later okay this thing that you did in a game or in a platform or as a result of whatever actually generated and have tea.

John Thomas Connor: And you won't even realize you're participating in an ecosystem, whether that's because it's a program that is being launched or because it's a part of a technical solution.

John Thomas Connor: On and and respecting your privacy or something like that there's just more and more ways that energies are going to be embedded.

John Thomas Connor: In people's lives with how than having even think about it right now there's simple example is a lot of phones like samsung's phones on for some of them are already launched with it, but all the phones in 2023 and beyond, will have integrated wallets nfc wallets.

John Thomas Connor: And there's going to add more features to it working nfc wallet you can see your nfp is.

John Thomas Connor: You know that's a great start but they're going to add a lot of features that were really big company and they sell a lot of phones and that's just going to be built in, no one has to make any decisions it's just gonna be there before phone.

Chris Detzel: I, like you know that that is interesting, I think that.

Chris Detzel: You know, slowly but surely this technology starts to come in into play, so if it comes into play on your phone and people really, then it has the opportunity to take off, you know, maybe it has taken off, I mean you get companies like yourself building shit you know what I mean so.

John Thomas Connor: I think I mean it hasn't taken off it take off in the sense that, like there's a lot of stuff being built, but like an ass market.

John Thomas Connor: it's still super early adopter.

John Thomas Connor: invisalign everybody's talking about it with a lot of people think they're really smart but nfl teams it's like you know the trendy cool thing to be like smart about.

John Thomas Connor: it's like economics and technology, and also, like all these things together.

John Thomas Connor: On but there's so few people that actually know what's going on, that you know anybody listening if nothing I said made sense it's Okay, I still highly encourage you like.

John Thomas Connor: dive in you're going to assess with it, but like watch some videos check out our website we're going to be adding a lot of content that explains things I factors that are.

John Thomas Connor: But like you know learn at least some of the basics, because this is about to be in our lives in a lot of ways very fast a lot faster than people think, and a lot of people are.

John Thomas Connor: kind of sleeping on it, which is OK, but there's a lot of opportunity and it's good to understand what this might represent for our communication and and a lot of other things.

Chris Detzel: Which on this is exciting stuff man i'm interested i'll be going to factory dot art, you know very soon, probably right after this and kind of check it out again and.

Chris Detzel: You know, really appreciate you getting on today and and and just explaining one what nfl teams are and what you guys are doing that vector art, you know art so it's really cool stuff and really appreciate it.

John Thomas Connor: yep all right, Chris thanks so much for having me on awesome conversation, hopefully, you know a lot of that stuff made sense.

John Thomas Connor: You know, feel free to let me know if there's any questions that come up from you know your listeners or yourself, even at any point, and you can Ping me and i'm down to answer any questions about nfc is dynamic enough geez for their value comes from the future the attack yeah.

Chris Detzel: I will, I mean now sure.

John Thomas Connor: Absolutely i'm always trying to find better ways to communicate this stuff as well right i'm caught up in my world.

John Thomas Connor: it's a lot to communicate this stuff even if people in my space, but making a bridge is going to be critical.

Chris Detzel: yeah I think you know and i'll say this last week, just because it is so interesting so.

Chris Detzel: A few weeks ago, you and I had a conversation for about 30 minutes and I was asking you all these questions about.

Chris Detzel: And if teachers and communities and you're like you know, Chris I live in this all day, every day, and sometimes I forget that you know people just don't know you know what I mean.

Chris Detzel: yeah so I appreciate you come on, because this is a hot topic that you hear this being here, a lot of people talk about you know and and so thanks again for coming on.

John Thomas Connor: yeah no no problem on this great conversation, and I hope that your audience enjoys it let's be in touch.

Chris Detzel: Alright, thanks for everyone for tuning in for another peers over beers i'm Chris Detzel and our special guest john Connor.

John Thomas Connor: About a separate letter.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.