Episode 059 - Engagement, Webinars, Content and "That's Not My Pile of Sh*t"

Episode 059 - Engagement, Webinars, Content and "That's Not My Pile of Sh*t"


In this episode, Michael and Chris talk about the following: 1. In the summer time traffic goes down on communities, how do you talk to your executives about this? 2. Sometimes you can't do everything, so you have to prioritize. You have to know what is and what is not your pile of sh*t to prioritize 3. Working with different cultures has developed both Chris and Michael's understanding of best ways to work 4. When you work with IT, IT really does need to be more than "keeps the lights on" they need to speak business language and help the business make solid business decisions

00:00.00 Michael Sandoval Hello and welcome to another episode of peers over beers I'm 1 of your hosts michael sandoval hello chris how are you excellent I'm doing great. You know it's been a couple weeks since we've had a chance to talk to each other. You've ah you've gone to a.
00:03.60 cdetzel And I'm Chris Detzel I'm pretty good. How about you.
00:16.59 Michael Sandoval Ah
00:17.95 cdetzel I did yeah it was a 3 day holiday and we swam a little bit. We drank a little bit. We went on the beach you know and that's about it I mean it was just relaxing.
00:29.79 Michael Sandoval I will say and I'm sure you're having the same experience as I go through Facebook and I see all my connections are finally kind of leaving the house or on Holiday they're going doing this and my sister and her family just got back from San diego and the sea world and which.
00:38.77 cdetzel So.
00:45.37 cdetzel Nice.
00:48.30 Michael Sandoval Great to know I mean that's great. You know I was going I was in Santa fe this past weekend I went to go see ah an art installation called meow wolf I was great. Absolutely fascinating. Ah I don't even know how to tell you what it is. It's ah you pay forty dollars to go into this.
00:50.42 cdetzel How well. 4 was it good. Wow.
01:07.98 Michael Sandoval I would akin it to like a haunted house. That's not haunted a a a maze that you have escaped past to get out and reenter type of thing and then it's a murder mystery at the same time. So it's. Or missing History. It's so hard. Ah
01:26.85 cdetzel This sounds fascinating though sounds.
01:44.40 Michael Sandoval Is it's very very very cool. You almost have to like look at the videos to see what I'm talking about. It's pretty crazy four hours in the maze. Amazing four hours. It took us no standing the entire time was crazy I know more ridiculous. But anyway that's how it is but sir hi I think.
01:47.94 cdetzel Um
02:03.46 Michael Sandoval Last we had a chance I think you talk you were talking a little bit about your your initial launch of your new community and we've had a little bit of time since that's been out any any any any findings or thoughts in your.
02:12.29 cdetzel Yep. Yeah
02:22.21 Michael Sandoval Oh wow.
02:34.88 cdetzel Still continuing to create really good content. We started a webinar Program. We've had 3 webinars and people are really coming so you know ah last week our webinar we had forty 3 people come that was good. You know 30 people rsvp or 35 people rsvpd and forty 3 came which is. Rare you know to see that usually it's half the people the week before we had fifty 3 and 37 people rsvpd which I was like and and then even the first 1 we had I think we had 53 something ah rsvp so which you know it's an interesting trend. You know that more people show up than.
02:54.48 Michael Sandoval Um
03:14.34 cdetzel Um
03:17.32 Michael Sandoval Um
03:29.45 Michael Sandoval Um
03:33.51 cdetzel Um
03:38.23 Michael Sandoval It is summertime. You're 1 hundred percent correct the slowest of the months.
03:51.10 cdetzel Ah
04:50.51 Michael Sandoval Um.
05:04.63 cdetzel Um
05:08.80 Michael Sandoval Fifth.
05:23.14 Michael Sandoval Always in the way. Ah.
05:24.22 cdetzel If I can drum up any well you know can what can they share? What can't they share you know so you know so I just got to figure out. You know how I'm going to do that I'm just going to start reaching out to people see what they say see if there's some some legal stuff or not. You know my assumption is is that anybody can talk about their expertise. Don't necessarily have to talk about your integrations into Realto or anything else. You know you could just talk about data governance or data stewarts or data. Whatever you know the topic is and just kind of how you've done it in the past how how you think about it. You know people want to connect to peers and want to hear about that and then even write blogs on their behalf. You know. You know and and and things like that. So I'm gonna try to do like a twenty eighty or maybe forty sixty split you know between ah realians's what I call them and or customers with realians yeah realians um
06:17.15 Michael Sandoval That's the demony real ends not fascinating. Okay
06:22.40 cdetzel Well
06:53.69 Michael Sandoval So I lot so I I was thinking questions Did you were kind of walking through how um the webinars were they pushed out as a result of the community or is that a new thing that started because of community.
06:57.13 cdetzel That.
07:12.85 cdetzel It's a new thing because I started it. Yeah I built it? Yeah oh there is yeah yeah.
07:13.55 Michael Sandoval Ah
07:30.42 cdetzel Well yeah
07:32.71 Michael Sandoval In in some of your kind of after Webex or something like that.
07:50.24 cdetzel Um
08:01.15 Michael Sandoval Right? right.
08:10.16 cdetzel You know the the ask me things that are coming up are going to be a lot more engaging in that way because I'm going to push people to I'll post a question around you know what kind of questions. Do you want to ask our founder cto you know and that kind of stuff and I'll send emails out a week or 2 beforehand.
08:11.50 Michael Sandoval Yes
08:24.20 Michael Sandoval If.
08:27.76 cdetzel Ah
08:57.10 Michael Sandoval Right.
09:03.59 Michael Sandoval Has marketing ever had a program like that before or is it the first time.
09:07.81 cdetzel Know they have um they have webinars. So. It's not that they don't have them but they're just very high level. You know they're not. You know they're just talking about the highlevel stuff you know I'm not talking about the highleve stuff in general not saying I would never ah somebody would ask me that you know if like. Founder Cto Maneesh said Chris I Want to talk about this data governance topic at a high level. Okay
09:30.86 Michael Sandoval And.
09:44.80 cdetzel Ah
09:56.89 Michael Sandoval Great The Brio you build it will they come.
10:01.70 cdetzel So no
10:06.26 Michael Sandoval Ah
10:17.75 cdetzel I used it like this and and I used this I'd be curious to see what you're thinking why you would even do it that way I saw a post today kind of like that you know
10:23.76 Michael Sandoval Yeah there's a lot There is a lot of I yeah I again a remember for my old my old hat there's definitely a lot of we'll call them or if it's right thing to say alpha engineers or alpha developers. It's just people who. You know you can have very smart developers but you know with every new platform create some new challenges and there are best practices and you just kind of want to get ahead of the game because that's not what you want to spend your time on you want to spend your time innovation not on the how do I plug a to b surely someone else has done this type of thing you know.
10:44.26 cdetzel Yeah.
10:58.98 cdetzel It's turn.
11:01.61 Michael Sandoval And there's such a thirst for that stuff I remember we would do things like we put out like schematics or um or ah modules things that were were not necessarily easy but they. Kind of were building blocks. It got you started ahead of time so that they're great. They're great stuff.
11:19.55 cdetzel Yeah I think you know look ah especially in today's kind of thing people
11:29.13 Michael Sandoval Correct.
11:36.86 cdetzel My audience is developers. There's there's a piece of that that is but um
11:39.25 Michael Sandoval Oh well
11:48.44 Michael Sandoval Um
11:56.90 cdetzel Data whatever you know what? I mean like those are I mean they're putting stuff together. You know
12:42.47 Michael Sandoval Right? right? right.
12:48.50 Michael Sandoval Yeah
12:53.33 cdetzel At the moment. That's not my pile of shit you know I mean so it might be at some point you know
13:14.54 Michael Sandoval Oh it just people you've missed. You know? Yeah I love it Michael you are you? You have such flowery words. Ah.
13:16.95 cdetzel I Know and know I told you she said that and it was. He's so flowurly I like him a lot. Ah I wish I don't have words like that chris.
13:26.69 Michael Sandoval Ah
13:36.89 cdetzel Yeah
13:45.70 Michael Sandoval Grade They they all.
13:52.23 Michael Sandoval Accent. Yeah
13:58.58 cdetzel It's just a very yeah
14:05.10 Michael Sandoval It's great and it's it's fun
14:28.00 cdetzel Ah
14:35.13 cdetzel That's right I mean Marian marion said to me several times Chris just get to the point. What do you want I was like I just want you to do this? Okay I'll do it. Okay
14:42.70 Michael Sandoval I I do it exactly? Yeah
14:56.41 cdetzel That's right? what you learn man I mean like every culture is literally different so you're just like you know I remember working with ah I don't know how we're getting off to this but the Israelis I mean different culture. They're you know. They are actually very Warm. You know
15:13.72 Michael Sandoval Me.
15:29.57 cdetzel You know werere very difficult at first you know for me to to get to work with but eventually they come around right? You know they'd have to have some coffees and have some lunchtes and dinners and this I mean literally they don't make a decision right? off the french just will.
15:36.78 Michael Sandoval You just need to know how you work the culture. That's very it's exactly correct. Yeah no
15:48.20 cdetzel Five months later all of a sudden we're we're ready to do this I like ready to do what this thing you talked about like 3 months five months ago I like okay
15:54.39 Michael Sandoval Five months ago. Ah.
16:03.87 Michael Sandoval 1 hundred percent 1 of the things I I miss in my current venue my current as you affair if you will. But no I I used to I love it. It's funny I get to use it as anecdotes publicly getting tired of is like oh I remember 1 time when I was you know.
16:05.71 cdetzel Um
16:12.90 cdetzel Yeah.
16:23.38 Michael Sandoval Dealing with the the Germans in this particular manner. You know makes it sound like oh my God here goes this guy again. No please tell us mike.
16:24.86 cdetzel And they're like yeah well you know you get you get to work with you know
16:35.73 Michael Sandoval But you don't know exactly. It's a completely different culture. It's kind of funnyd. It's It's my own you know I boomerang a bit as I as folks know and I love that it came back and and I've learned so much that when I come back I'm having to relearn that which I started with.
16:42.12 cdetzel Exactly.
16:51.40 cdetzel Yeah
16:53.85 Michael Sandoval Before if that makes sense and I'm I'm having a hard time kind of adjustting the thinking and I'm not saying read just myself but helping others be very careful how you say this word um tune into my thinking.
17:09.76 cdetzel Yeah
17:11.57 Michael Sandoval If that makes sense. Yeah.
17:21.46 Michael Sandoval Um
17:27.39 Michael Sandoval Yeah
17:28.93 cdetzel I Mean that's just the reality.
17:44.21 cdetzel Yeah.
17:47.90 Michael Sandoval Helping my it partners kind of start thinking in a different way I think right now the best way I would say our it department is structured both financially and organizationally is around keeping lights on nothing wrong with that. It's preventing shit going down.
17:50.18 cdetzel Um.
18:01.61 cdetzel Right hit.
18:06.61 Michael Sandoval And making sure the lights turn on pretty simple everything else they will give to consultants they will this and that often it's worked for them for many years but now as we kind of enter this new phase of digital I've akined to this idea of we're transitioning from the physical to the interactive physical meaning you know branches.
18:10.69 cdetzel Yeah
18:26.84 Michael Sandoval Brick and mortar people in those branches to kind of manage the facility requires a different phase when you look at everything is being connected online. You know
18:52.90 cdetzel System.
19:03.70 Michael Sandoval Keep the lights on to keep lights on Plus which is developing an interactive scalable team that's going to be able to deliver digital solutions but yet manage the excellence that they have associated with keeping the lights on and.
19:13.60 cdetzel M.
19:21.20 Michael Sandoval Some of the structures is.
19:21.46 cdetzel Foster Yeah research used to talk a lot about that around you know instead of just keeping the lights on and that's still important piece but we need to more of a business technology rather than just it right? These people have to start talking to the business and talk business language.
19:35.70 Michael Sandoval Now.
19:37.89 cdetzel And be more of a um you know
19:46.12 Michael Sandoval Ah
20:03.96 cdetzel That's right.
20:05.77 Michael Sandoval Make use or create best in class or so they're going to have to hold some of those data and they get people in that can help drive that change and 1 of the first things I've said was first of all you know
20:08.24 cdetzel Yeah
20:20.97 cdetzel Yeah.
20:25.70 Michael Sandoval Mastermind the system you need people who are developers. You know to go build those things and you need to structure your organization that knows how to do that again. This is the this is the feed and I kind of put this all in the presentation. Not a presentation but kind of an outline with some data points and and I said listen this is work that I'm doing.
20:36.48 cdetzel Yeah
20:43.99 Michael Sandoval For you because it's a vested interest for me if that makes sense. So if I can help you get there I know I will be in a better place. Organizationally right? that makes sense and.
20:46.58 cdetzel Yeah
20:52.68 cdetzel What's what's the what's your kind of thought about or how are they reacting is it? Oh yeah.
20:59.22 Michael Sandoval Well
21:18.23 cdetzel Yeah
21:18.75 Michael Sandoval Email and has to be over phone conversation. And yeah
21:32.60 cdetzel Yeah
21:38.50 Michael Sandoval Our our competency and I and I'm the only 1 that uses the word competency. Ah.
21:43.39 cdetzel Um
21:44.23 Michael Sandoval Ah I like it when some of my Jargon starts getting into others others vernacular.
21:53.96 Michael Sandoval Influencer. Ah yeah
22:02.50 cdetzel So congrats.
22:10.41 cdetzel Yeah I Love that.
22:10.52 Michael Sandoval Literally diagramming how this works and ah it's funny I'm going to turn the camera around. So don't don't get seasick whoa but you see the whiteboard there. Those are all me talking through.
22:19.53 cdetzel Um
22:27.40 Michael Sandoval This is how it works and I spent an hour doing e-commerce 1 ah 1 because I felt listen. This is the foundation. It reminds you of devish when he would do something like it's pretty much conversion. What's a conversion rate conversion rate is you know blah blah blah blah blah and
22:27.80 cdetzel Love it.
22:41.68 cdetzel Yeah
22:44.56 Michael Sandoval I said that's it. That's all I need to know about ecommerce. The rest is of the detail. Yeah
22:46.69 cdetzel Yeah
23:00.20 cdetzel Yeah
23:04.20 Michael Sandoval Yeah
23:12.70 cdetzel Yeah
23:23.92 Michael Sandoval Moving. They've accelerated that digital curve quite quickly. So that's very interesting. So it's hard to get people. But no
23:25.46 cdetzel Yeah
23:42.51 Michael Sandoval Yeah
23:48.79 cdetzel Yeah
23:52.44 Michael Sandoval Ah
24:02.91 Michael Sandoval Ah
24:08.73 cdetzel You know do what do? what? you got to do Michael do what you got to do but I need you to do this first? Well you know we will yeah next time. So.
24:13.10 Michael Sandoval Ah
24:25.34 cdetzel Yeah
24:31.13 Michael Sandoval Say hello again probably later this week but I'm as 1 of your hosts. My name is Michael sinval I talked to you guys later. But bye.
24:33.49 cdetzel Yeah

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.