Episode 095 - How to Become a Trusted Advisor and Brand - Matthew Hunt, Founder of Automation Wolf

Episode 095 - How to Become a Trusted Advisor and Brand - Matthew Hunt, Founder of Automation Wolf


Matthew Hunt, Founder of Automation Wolf brings a different view of how you should think about reaching out to leads. He talks about snack able content, creating workshops and thinking long-term when bringing them to the top of the funnel. "People need 7 hours exposed to your brand, eleven interactions in 4 different locations. When you do this, then you become a trusted Advisor." Creating relationships, long-term, through communities can and will help with getting more leads and then closing on these leads. Community helps you create trust, and this is the key at the end of the day.

Chris Detzel: All right, well welcome everyone to another peers over beers my name is Chris dazzle, and today I have a special guest Matthew hunt from automation wolf Matthew how's it going.

Matthew Hunt: hey man awesome thanks for having me on the show.

Chris Detzel: You know it's funny as i'm looking at your.

Chris Detzel: linkedin and I see a lot of different things you're over so I don't know if this is if I said the right company or not there's another company called you co founder advisor of summit east.

Chris Detzel: And then your coach and a speaker you do a lot of stuff.

Matthew Hunt: I do a lot of.

Chris Detzel: anyways I appreciate you coming on.

Matthew Hunt: The experiment yeah looking forward to have a chat.

Chris Detzel: yeah me too, and you know I think he reached out to me or I reached out to you i'm not sure, but about beyond peers over beers and.

Chris Detzel: You know I think the things that we were talking about is kind of how you help companies look at you know marketing in a different way, you know, and I really liked good, we had a pre show, and I should always capture these pre shows, but.

Chris Detzel: I really liked some of the things that you were talking about with makeable content reaching out to you know.

Chris Detzel: People that might not know you but and how you how they start to get to know you through different social sites channel or you know some of the different social channels and things like that.

Chris Detzel: love to hear more about that because, and then you even mentioned Community so let's bring up Community since it is Community podcast.

Chris Detzel: and go from there is that fair.

Matthew Hunt: yeah sounds great yeah totally I mean we're huge aren't Community that's one of our main pillars to our signature system.

Matthew Hunt: And so what we do as an agency is we're done for you demand gen agency that mostly helps other B2B companies.

Matthew Hunt: And how the service got developed was it was actually something that I had to develop for myself as being an agency owner so 75% of our clients other agencies 25% are like B2B SAS or consultants and coaches, or people in recruiting people who care about linkedin at the end of the day.

Matthew Hunt: Right is probably the main social media channel they're at, but what I realized in my career on my second agency was we did a lot of inbound marketing for.

Matthew Hunt: companies like and a lot of B2C companies we work for a lot of fortune 500 companies and so we'd create content search engine optimization was important to us.

Matthew Hunt: You know search ads like adwords and now called Google advertising was important to us Facebook ads etc like that, and I remember trying to do that for my business and it just led to like a lot of like terrible leads like leads that just were not great, like a lot of noise.

Matthew Hunt: At the end of the day.

Matthew Hunt: And so I had this Epiphany where it's like Oh, just because I practice that for my clients doesn't mean it's right for me right, and because I wanted a very specific audience.

Matthew Hunt: I was really targeted just fortune 500 companies for that agency so, then I was like okay well they're not invisible right, so why don't I you know build a list.

Matthew Hunt: and cold email them or reach out to them on linkedin or whatever, but here's what I discovered when you reach out and you try to connect and then pitch.

Matthew Hunt: And you're a stranger guess what happens it's danger because we've all been taught this since we were three years old that's right.

Matthew Hunt: It just it just doesn't work and ends up ruining your reputation and I apologize if I did, that to you out there if you're listening to this if I spray and.


Matthew Hunt: And there's some digital footprint out there that's completely embarrassing to me I please forgive me, I have, I have sinned.

Matthew Hunt: And I, and I have learned to get better and I just don't do that anymore so, then I realized okay well what are different things I started discovering what are different things that I could.

Matthew Hunt: outreach to people, so that we could get to know each other and what I started realizing is, at the end of the day, look people only buy from people that they know like and trust right.

Matthew Hunt: And so we had to come up with some offers that worked and what I discovered was there was a couple offers that always worked one was like whenever we should have invited someone to a mastermind dinner.

Matthew Hunt: It worked whenever I invited someone out to an event that was specific to them, it worked whenever I reached out to offer to interview them or to get them as a quote in an article or get them on my podcast.

Matthew Hunt: It was very welcoming ego ego bait is very, very powerful so it's like Oh, there is something that is here.

Matthew Hunt: And so, so that opened the door of like Oh, this is how I can use outbound to open doors to start building the relationship, but what I still didn't figure out was how do I do it at leverage at a one to many level versus a.

Matthew Hunt: One to one level because it's very inefficient and this is when I created the system that we call now the demand gen system which is short form long form.

Matthew Hunt: Okay, and controlled forum and so short form is that snack on media that snack snack snack what content, you find in social media.

Matthew Hunt: And, and it could be organic or can be paid ads at the end of the day, but it's like a minute long, you have to remember like when someone goes to linkedin or Facebook or instagram.

Matthew Hunt: It they're procrastinating or they are in discovery mode, one of the others, and so this is your ability with that that that marketing to be discovered or stay top of mind with existing network, so if you.

Matthew Hunt: know your ideal audience is on linkedin and B2B business.

Matthew Hunt: You can connect with them, but don't pitch them connect with them with a personalized message they'll accept it.

Matthew Hunt: Then they have the opportunity to see your snack will content right so that's one way of getting more leverage for yourself to build more goodwill.

Matthew Hunt: And all you have to do is be helpful, with your content, though pitching and people will start to get to know you and those who already know you they'll start referring you more business now.

Matthew Hunt: you're not going to convert anybody on stackable content, like a one minute video is not going to turn someone into a client or.

Matthew Hunt: Customer just rarely going to happen, so you need to have an offer that that creates enough curiosity that you, you funnel them.

Matthew Hunt: To something that's not cheesy or salesy and that could be your Community or that could be along for mechanism, like, I recommend a workshop, not a webinar, this is not a webinar we try to close people and.

Matthew Hunt: Do all this hype you literally help someone do something, help them go from A to B, so you can build the trust you can demonstrate your abilities and start to build some trust and if they're in market.

Matthew Hunt: And they you built some goodwill and trust with them they'll end up in your sales opportunity funnel or they'll end up being at least, in your marketing qualified and those who are not ready to buy because the reality is this.

Matthew Hunt: 97% of people who even attend your workshop or see your cycle content are not ready to buy today it doesn't mean that they can't buy from you tomorrow.

Matthew Hunt: And so here's what I.

Matthew Hunt: here's what I here's what I mean by this I can't tell you how many times at my second agency Okay, where we're also I get a phone call ring ring it's Marty Marty says to me matt.

Matthew Hunt: smarty Do you remember me like I think so he's like well I recently was hoping, you could help us with our seo I met this company now here's our budget, you know we actually met two years ago, when you ran your inbound con conference in Toronto, we chatted.

Matthew Hunt: Around.

Matthew Hunt: You know around the bar for a couple hours you're really cool I came to a couple of your meetups i've been secretly creeping you online for the last two.

Matthew Hunt: years.

Matthew Hunt: When I was there is only a marketing manager now i'm the VP of marketing for this and I got you know, half a million dollars a year I need to put to work, you know and that's, how do you track that in your CRM right.

Matthew Hunt: So you can't you don't write it was built to relationship and they all these old touches so.

Matthew Hunt: You can't really you can't judge how this happens, but we need to do is you want to put them somewhere in a controlled form it doesn't feel like marketing.

Matthew Hunt: or sales and that's where you stick them in the Community so something like a slack group, you know, a private group on mighty networks, it could be the new Twitter groups it.

Matthew Hunt: My first group was a Skype group for other agency owners who were my competitors and and that's literally I grew my first agency was networking with my competitors privately in a slack I mean not in a Skype chat group.

Matthew Hunt: You know, and then every once every once a.

Matthew Hunt: once a month i'd get them on there, and we would have beers.

Matthew Hunt: Just like this joke around complete about our customers.

Matthew Hunt: And then we end up like sending each other's we understanding each other business, because we all specialized in some.

Matthew Hunt: nisha and mine was contractors, the other guys lawyers and it was this together, you know we there's almost no overlap whatsoever and we ended up you know, whenever we end up getting more backlinks each other guest posting each other's podcasts each other's.

Matthew Hunt: guest posting it other blog like all these opportunities came out of it through Community and the reality is community is where you really start to build the trust and I realized this after I read this book called oversubscribed from Daniel Priestly.

Matthew Hunt: Driven 2014 it's a great book if you haven't read it, or you haven't listened to it, yet get it on your audible order from Amazon.

Matthew Hunt: it's one of these evergreen books, just like you know chet homes book The ultimate sales machine there's there's some books that just like.

Matthew Hunt: evergreen doesn't matter if you read it 10 years ago, if you read in 50 years from now it's always going to work, and so in this book he called something called the 11th the 711 and four rule if you ever heard of the 711 and four rule.

Matthew Hunt: So anytime someone's making a major business decision right like or even a decision that's important in there, like buying a car, where they're going to invest their money.

Matthew Hunt: Investing you know, half a million dollars in a new CRM system or half a million dollars in a marketing campaign on paid ads right.

Matthew Hunt: They don't make those decisions lightly, they need to know like and trust you in advance for that to happen, right, and so what he discovered was through consumer insights is people need to be have seven hours exposed to your brand.

Matthew Hunt: 11 interactions in four different locations and once you do that, you move yourself from being a stranger and acquaintance to being seen as a trusted advisor.

Matthew Hunt: And once your trust advisor that's when that that's the only time, you should start selling, you should never sell before that, because he you sell before you're a trusted advisor you're just a commodity.

Matthew Hunt: And the great thing is once you're a trusted advisor and you have demand for your services and trust for you and your brand.

Matthew Hunt: You can suck at sales you don't need as many salespeople and you can charge more yeah because the reality is, if you go back and look at your website in any ways in general, go look at it in Google analytics Okay, or whatever your analytics tool is, whatever your bi tool that.

Matthew Hunt: people spend less than a minute on most websites.

Matthew Hunt: they're not making decisions based on your website it's not that magical i'm sorry you're not impressive I.

Matthew Hunt: hate to break it to you, your base and boring and look like everybody else I guarantee, if you take you and your competitors.

Matthew Hunt: And you open up all their websites in 10 different tabs and then you use the squid test and really stand back five feet and look at them and change every 30 seconds from.

Matthew Hunt: website, the website, they all look the same they all say the same thing and to your buyers they don't know that it's not how they're making buying decisions, how we make buying decisions, particularly people who carry budgets is based on the relationships or direct referrals.

Chris Detzel: So you know it's interesting that you say that I mean this is very intriguing to me but.

Chris Detzel: You know, when I look at companies like mine, when I look at I mean there's a lot of companies like mine that do just that they spend a lot of money, time and effort on that website.

Chris Detzel: Because you know that's how people kind of find you right you so you create a lot of content, so that you're found organically, but also paid and everything else.

Chris Detzel: But it's also a good point that you bring up one is organic users that find your website organically are generally you know worth more right because he will buy more that that's just a given fact, or at least.

Chris Detzel: You know, a higher percentage of opportunity there but you're saying that you know.

Chris Detzel: The website is important but it's not that important because they all look the same right it's.

Matthew Hunt: Totally it's absolutely not at the end of the day, I mean listen websites important but, honestly, you want to launch this business I had zero I didn't even have a website.

Matthew Hunt: I just I just literally launched it telling people idea, they from my warm network of.

Matthew Hunt: People who knew me this is what i'm going to do this is what it costs, give me some money and i'll go build it use the word beta so they knew it was going to suck at the beginning and and did it they're going to vote with their wallets and if.

Chris Detzel: You have a boss that tell me I use just put feta on it.

Chris Detzel: yeah and we could do it for as long as we need to and it's fine and then we'll kind of eventually take it off if we feel like it anyways it's interesting.

Matthew Hunt: it's hundred percent most businesses in general 50% of it is delivery, but the other 50% is doing two things with your customers and clients that everybody underestimates and don't put enough energy into one is changing people's mindsets.

Matthew Hunt: So it's available to do that, you need to articulate people's problems better they can articulate it themselves because a problem can be solved until it can be well articulated.

Matthew Hunt: Once you can do that, then you can change someone's mindset because usually people don't have problems or business problems they have mindset problems so once they change them they had that Aha moment they're like oh my God we're approaching this totally wrong.

Matthew Hunt: Like the minute that someone really understands demand versus inbound and outbound their their brain goes.

Matthew Hunt: Yes, because it hits them in the heart gut and the funny bone all the same time right.

Matthew Hunt: The second thing that they that people don't do is setting expectations for your clients and customers.

Matthew Hunt: it's all about expectation setting, you have to under promise and over deliver and do a lot of work around that and nobody takes any energy to it, they think their business is all about delivery we're a little about product it's not.

Matthew Hunt: it's about those two things, most of the time and the front end of that is really about relationship.

Chris Detzel: Community lead.

Chris Detzel: growth.

Matthew Hunt: 100% and people want it, because people want to belong to these communities, if you keep it private like semi private and specific niche because.

Matthew Hunt: Because birds of a feather flock together guys will drive across the country just to go hang out with other guys who drive corvettes.

Matthew Hunt: You know ctos want to hang out with other ctos you know why because, being a cto it's lonely your there's only one.

Matthew Hunt: So if you want to get the attention of your ideal buyers a cto, the first thing you should do is run a local mastermind knitter for ctos you should create a private slack group that's just for ctos.


Chris Detzel: yep I love it, I think that.

Chris Detzel: I think there's something said to be have private stuff today our Community is open, but.

Chris Detzel: Definitely, I think that you know, having a space for a niche audience right like ctos or chief.

Chris Detzel: Data officers or you know, whatever it is, because you know they're not going to be on forums and doing shit all the time right, you know they're just going to you have to create the programs that they're going to be interested in, at the same time, you know and how do you kind of.

Chris Detzel: connect them to each other through you know these private ways, but also have good content that they're interested in one of the things that i've been.

Chris Detzel: I think we talked about this on the pre show, and I think you're hitting a spot on and I just kind of timely it's quite interesting that you know, having this conversation, but even as of recent.

Chris Detzel: Today we have this technical community from reality so i'll just tell you from from my experience we have this technical community from rel to, and you know it's doing really well or super excited and I think it's an important piece.

Chris Detzel: of the Community, so that they can get answers to their questions about our product that's all it is about our product.

Chris Detzel: Right they've been thinking about and been tasked with is how do I kind of look at this broader Community around.

Chris Detzel: The data right so when you look at you know people are trying to solve the data governance problem right like at a higher level, people are trying to think about business outcomes.

Chris Detzel: That you know with with the data, you know what are some of the business outcomes that you know these companies are getting from you know.

Chris Detzel: Doing these master data management projects or programs and things like that, so you know my thought is is how do I pivot.

Chris Detzel: And i've been slowly but surely thinking about this into you know, instead of these very technical webinars that we do.

Chris Detzel: I call them Community shows, I know you don't like the word webinars and I don't either, but you know they're like.

Chris Detzel: Quick hit or you know, an hour long kind of deep dives into certain thing, but as a you know what.

Chris Detzel: And then you know I create content around that summer snack or both summer, you know but i'm like I could still do that.

Chris Detzel: But at this level right like let's think about is you called it, you know, instead of webinars you'd call it a workshop, you know yeah and I like that, I think, whatever you may call it let's not call them webinars anymore, because it's kind of boring, as it feels it feels you know.

Matthew Hunt: it's a it's a webinar it's just a pitch fest yeah yeah.

Chris Detzel: everybody's doing it, you know.

Matthew Hunt: that's it's not helpful workshop is helping someone go from A to B and be more awesome.

Matthew Hunt: At the end of it and they can actually maybe do a little exercise and walk away with something.

Matthew Hunt: That made their lives better at the end of it that's the difference you're delivering something.

Matthew Hunt: or helping them do something, become more awesome and so that's it's the intent a webinar is used as a pitch fest it's like a video sales letter it's like an infomercial at the end you're going to come by this or you're going to download this and we're going to force you into our.

Chris Detzel: I like that you know the jig is up everybody knows that they're like webinars or 2015 so just.

Matthew Hunt: Not doing it like it's very it's just like.

Matthew Hunt: It was cool it was like the new new new kid on the block yeah while but, at the end of the day, that's not what we want that's why no one shows up to your webinars so it just noticed that how many people show up, especially if it's like.

Matthew Hunt: A recorded one that's not live like they're definitely not showing up.

Chris Detzel: Right and I liked I liked the idea I agree with you, and I think it's what you call it is is pretty important and that's why I started calling my Community shows.

Chris Detzel: You know whether or not that's a good name, but it was better than webinars I was like I don't like these Community webinar and I don't like it.

Chris Detzel: So it's really.

Matthew Hunt: The differences again it's like the webinars about is about like it's like none mark me marketing right where people like look at me and my company right which nobody really likes in.

Chris Detzel: A bad connotation right like it's just.

Chris Detzel: Even if that's not your intent it's just kind of a I don't know that's another one.

Matthew Hunt: As well selfish and is a feature your ideal prospect, it should be about them so interview them right stop trying to be the talent instead become the talent scout and the smartest brands in the world.

Chris Detzel: I love that.

Matthew Hunt: do that, so if you.

Matthew Hunt: So let's just like look at the sports brands, the world who've done this kind of stuff.

Matthew Hunt: let's take let's take oprah as an example right.

Matthew Hunt: still to this day oprah has a license to print money anything she wants she's an expert of nothing but what does she really good at doing.

Matthew Hunt: Finding really smart people to pull in where she can interview them and ask them questions right about what to look for look out for for her audience, but today if oprah says go buy this book go to this restaurant do this.

Matthew Hunt: thing man she literally like implodes a business instantly like that's how much weight her trust matters because she's focused on building trust and focused on edifying others not herself, but the byproduct is her same thing with Joe rogan.

Chris Detzel: TIM ferriss about Dr phil phil become.

Chris Detzel: Who, he is oprah oprah said I use Dr phil for this, then all of a sudden, Dr phil has a show and doing all this stuff.

Matthew Hunt: Totally absolutely and the reality is, if you play that role.

Matthew Hunt: Expert a comes in, and then they go away, that is expert be and then it's X Percy and then D and you go with your at the constant is you and your brand.

Matthew Hunt: So your other thing that's remember that the end of the day, and because you cared more about them right the people your audience your community.

Chris Detzel: yeah.

Matthew Hunt: You get all the reciprocity, at the end of the day, and, in fact, all the best communities that have ever been to do a few things right, one is they're picky about who they let it even if it's free.

Matthew Hunt: To they usually charge a shitload of money and sometimes even like for well, I remember Dan Sullivan from strategic coach telling the story he had a guy in his his.

Matthew Hunt: coaching program was only like 10 grand a year at the time is like hey come come during the progress.

Matthew Hunt: So he's like i'm I don't want to join sounds really interesting.

Matthew Hunt: comes back a year later it's like hey man come to the previous 15 grand now, you could have got it was tell he's like i'm not interested repeated to this process till it was 25 grand he's like hey man, you want to join, like you, couldn't join was 10 grand.

Matthew Hunt: In front of me is like i'm ready to join now he's like, why are you ready to join now he's I was waiting for you to increase your price, so that he knew is going to be around the quality of entrepreneurs, that I want to network with.

Matthew Hunt: To be able to grow my business and I knew that, when it was 10 grand I would not be getting the quality entrepreneurs that i'm networking with.

Matthew Hunt: Conditions until your price went up.

Matthew Hunt: So there's something to be said about this that sometimes these private communities, like you have to remember these secret societies forever have been doing business, this is why the golf club exists.

Matthew Hunt: This is why the ski club, the yacht club and the supper club exist, you need to create your own version of that.

Matthew Hunt: Even if it's for free be super super picky and then you make it peer to peer So when I look at like Jason gain or who did mastermind talks right look at anybody else who's done like really amazing.

Matthew Hunt: groups and communities it's always peer to peer they never it's never speakers it's never all.

Matthew Hunt: This like stuff it's literally the small micro breakout groups or groups that are pure pure people walk away going that was amazing and they renew every year Jason gaynor and has.

Matthew Hunt: 10,000 applications every year for his once a year event, where you only invites 110 people out and people like write essays and beg and plead an.

Matthew Hunt: offer from.

Matthew Hunt: scratch talk about building demand right one and only does one event per year that's community and and literally has a podcast called Community made like this guy understands Community he gets it.

Matthew Hunt: He wrote a book called mastermind dinners.

Matthew Hunt: That dude is like i'm he's a master of building communities and and and by that he only has to do one of any year and have a lot of fun enjoys life it's brilliant.

Chris Detzel: He must make it amazing just whatever the event is.

Matthew Hunt: It is very special yeah it's it's no one walks away ever going like Why did I spend 10 grand to go to this four day event everyone walks by going.

Matthew Hunt: Oh, I feel energized and amazing and he creates all these moments, and things for things to happen it's it's it's an event but it's one, you will never forget.

Matthew Hunt: And connections, you will never, never forget it's no different than going to college you never forget your college buddies are these moments, or if you did a play.

Matthew Hunt: In high school together, yet this close mode and this is what we want it's based on relationships and and that person who you did stuff if they called you today and be like.

Matthew Hunt: hey can you do an intro or they found out oh you're doing this now, do you think that they care.

Matthew Hunt: about someone else's website, and that is fancier you know who are they going to buy from the person they know right.

Matthew Hunt: And all the times it's it's the devil it's not even necessarily even if you better the devil you don't know the bigger the company work at.

Matthew Hunt: This is why, IBM never gets fired right you no one ever got fired for hiring IBM is because the devil, you know versus devil you don't know which again just comes down to who own the relationship first like the trust.

Chris Detzel: yep yep.


Chris Detzel: This is done really good what.

Chris Detzel: I think that you've been doing this for how long.

Matthew Hunt: So this new company i'm doing is only a year and a half old it's very new we did have a year before that, where.

Matthew Hunt: It was a lot of false starts because we're doing spraying and praying and outbound and then I was yeah this kind of works.

Matthew Hunt: and switch around, so this is a pretty new company, but we've been like growing like crazy, for obvious reasons, because it works and people get it and it connects with them in the gut in the heart so.

Matthew Hunt: You know.

Chris Detzel: it's it's it's interesting So what is it that you do specifically like what does your company do because i'm like from NUTS NUTS two bolts, I mean I get you know kind of the snack of all stuff and then you know going into you know Community eventually or short long and.

Chris Detzel: Control stuff.

Matthew Hunt: So yeah so I said, our name automation Wolf, and so the reason why automation wolf is there is because most people's biggest obstacle is time, so they.

Matthew Hunt: know they know what to do, or they know that was kind of the right thing to do, the second biggest problem is.

Matthew Hunt: processes and people they have either create processes and manage people, the more people you have, the more patents, who have so this is why we created a done for you agency okay.

Chris Detzel: Not a done with you.

Matthew Hunt: Or do it yourself because that's not What helps people they need help in the end, and they need to do it now so.

Matthew Hunt: We created the first product, which was create all your stock book content and an hour and a half per month, so that takes care of that so you meet with us via zoom.

Matthew Hunt: We strategically plan out how we're going to record this content so it's in private, so you don't have to worry about messing up.

Matthew Hunt: And you end up creating amazing cycle content which we create the videos and then the images the carousels everything that we syndicated everywhere, and then to next thing is, we help you create your your workshop your once a month workshops, you have a one to many selling event.

Matthew Hunt: That you can add more value and build goodwill and three we help you set up your private community and sometimes it's offline or online could be in a slack group could be in on mighty networks can be on all kinds of different things.

Matthew Hunt: yeah and those are the three steps, so we do those and then we rinse and repeat now as time goes on, that first pillar is really your one too many selling.

Matthew Hunt: structure, once you lock that down that whole structure takes you two and a half hours per month to work with us, we do everything else, but I need you, for two and a half hours.

Matthew Hunt: once a month, so if you can give me two enough hours, I can work with you after that we get into what we call your content.

Matthew Hunt: Networking system, and this is where we start looking out where the we start interviewing other people and doing other things like podcasting other stuff and it goes from there.

Matthew Hunt: But it requires more time the way I structured the whole system is based on this is based on your time, plus budget.

Matthew Hunt: And so we do the things that take the least of money or time to work with you.

Matthew Hunt: and cost the least amount of money, so we can go, what is the thing that is going to be the least amount of effort, but the most impact for you at the end of the day for the least amount of.

Matthew Hunt: Money and that's that's the winning formula and that's why it works so that's kind of some of the things we do with people, obviously we do a lot more than that, if you want to see the whole system.

Matthew Hunt: The best thing to do is go to automation wolf calm and there's a video there that is undated that shows you the whole system there's 12 steps to it, you can literally take it and swipe it it's literally like basically.

Matthew Hunt: I am your CMO, and I have created your go to market strategy and it's right there so.

Matthew Hunt: You can go and take it and steal it if you feel uncomfortable about it and you're not really a marketer then maybe you don't want to do that and, just like find partners to go hey contract to to where you can come to us and we'd be possibly happy to help you.

Chris Detzel: sounds intriguing.

Chris Detzel: thing is, it can you talk about some of your customers and how you've helped our at least you know.

Chris Detzel: who have you worked with in the pastor.

Matthew Hunt: yeah totally so we work with all kinds of different customers, but, generally speaking, the customers that that work best with us are sort of between you know doing in revenue between a million to 10 million a year okay there, so the smaller companies.

Matthew Hunt: If they're under a million they're probably too small and they're still figuring out what their product market fit is right, so they have some momentum that's going.

Matthew Hunt: 75% of our clients are actually other agencies okay.

Matthew Hunt: Just and and usually marketing agencies and that's not uncommon most marketing agencies don't have time to do their own marketing they suffer from the cobblers kids goes with no shoes syndrome right.

Matthew Hunt: Which is really enormous so busy taking other team.

Matthew Hunt: has taken care of their clients they don't have time to get to a little marketing, so they need the contracted out to someone else who can be accountable for it.

Matthew Hunt: Because we're never accountable to ourselves it's just it just is what it is like I think they did a study once one time where they're like.

Matthew Hunt: People people who had take medication, but also their pets and take medication.

Matthew Hunt: And people will take medication that their life depended on did not take it for themselves.

Matthew Hunt: But if it was for their pet they always guaranteed that the pet got it right, but that's just the way we're human beings are built We always take care of ourselves last.

Matthew Hunt: But we shouldn't do that, but so you got a contract with someone else the other 25% are like B2B SAS companies coaches and consultants, I have recruiters basically anybody who cares about their audience being on linkedin and sell something that's high ticket.

Matthew Hunt: yeah be a perfect fit for us.

Chris Detzel: at it.

Matthew Hunt: And if there are a busy founder or CEO even more because that's usually who we work directly with is founder and CEO.

Chris Detzel: Okay.

Chris Detzel: you've taught me a lot of stuff or you know and also have kind of inform some of my thinking around.

Chris Detzel: The things I need to go do for my more so, not just community but help the organization to move them forward.

Chris Detzel: It won't be a crystal show, but it will be.

Chris Detzel: You know, an effort that will have to be kind of bought in from the company, and so this to me has been very enlightening enlightening and and thank you so much for coming on.

Matthew Hunt: The experiment appreciate having me on it was a ton of fun, hopefully, I wasn't too long winded.

Chris Detzel: No man that's that's what the spot is getting to know you a little bit, and you know who you are and what you do and things like that that's all I want to know, and he taught me a lot, so I mean you have lots of expertise in that so thanks so much.

Matthew Hunt: appreciate being there.

Chris Detzel: Alright well thanks everyone for coming to another peers over beers i'm Chris dessel and.


Thanks Matthew.

Creators and Guests

Chris Detzel
Chris Detzel
Chris is a versatile Digital Community Strategist with several years of experience. He has owned community vision, strategy, and execution. He is responsible for leading the development and execution of community engagement programs, creating compelling content for customer communities and acts as the voice of the customer. He believes that data should drive decisions as it is the key element of any long-term successful strategy.